General Question

Aster's avatar

What can you do with a gas log fireplace other than get warm?

Asked by Aster (20028points) October 13th, 2010

We have a gas long fp. Last house had a big woodburning one and it made winter really special with buying wood and building big fires. This one works fine but can you do anything really useful with it like… cook ? S’mores?

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6 Answers

diavolobella's avatar

I tried S’mores once and they didn’t taste good. They tasted fuel-y. Maybe you could cook something in a pan, that didn’t come into direct contact with the flames and it would taste better.

Axemusica's avatar

Stare at the beautiful-ness that is fire?

MaekoPoisoning's avatar

I am going to say popping corn! Then the food will be contained in a metal pot so there shouldn’t be as much of a gassy taste. And it’s a social event where the group can sit around the fire telling stories and popping popcorn ^.^

Aster's avatar

^^^^^^^^ You mean the kind in the pan thing you put on a stove burner? That might work. sorta worried about the “as much of ” a gassy taste.

Kayak8's avatar

Not too much (as spoken by a current wood stove owner and lover).

Aster's avatar

I would love to have a free-standing wood stove. Soapstone or cast iron. I had one years ago. It was not pretty and it was dusty but boy, did it heat a house. maybe someday They sell soapstone ones in blue; they’re so beautiful.

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