Social Question

Berserker's avatar

Is there something you don't know how to do, or don't know about, (Or recently didn't know about.) and that you're embarassed to admit?

Asked by Berserker (33553points) October 13th, 2010

You know like, those kinda things that just about everyone seems to know ecxept you? Driving, whistling, maybe you don’t know what the show Seinfeld is.
I’ll get the ball rolling; I don’t know how to swim.


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34 Answers

Blackberry's avatar

I didn’t know what WW2 was about (or any war lol) until last year. I knew people fought, but I didn’t know why or what started it lol.

I also didn’t know how to swim until I went to bootcamp.

muppetish's avatar

I don’t know how to swim or drive and find neither of these things embarrassing.

More than anything, I get teased for not knowing how to ride a bicycle. I’ve ceased mentioning this to people because their reactions are annoying.

bob_'s avatar

I’m colorblind, but I didn’t know what colorblindess was until I was like 12, so in kindergarten I was always “aww, man, why can’t I fucking learn the colors D:”.

Kindergarten sucked.

DominicX's avatar

I’ve never had a job. I guess it’s kind of embarrassing, but not that embarrassing.

Nullo's avatar

Mathematics. It’s always taken a lot of effort for me to learn math, and now I find myself able to handle nothing more complicated than moderately difficult algebra. Perhaps if I were to start studying again, I might improve.

Seek's avatar

Math, even simple addition and subtraction. Judging Distance. Determining cardinal directions.

The third one is kind of funny. I almost always just know where North is, but mix up East and West all the time. And before you say it, no, I don’t know which way is “left” half the time either. I use “hot water side” as a descriptor more often than not. ^_^

I’m a horrible swimmer. I know how, I’m just bad at it.

I don’t know how to drive a stick, and I have no intent to learn, either.

I am physically incapable of jumping on a pogo stick.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

Try as I might, I cannot blow a bubble with gum. I’ve tried many times, to no avail.

Berserker's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr I don’t know my directions either. My dad taught me a trick; if you get lost, just look for tall buildings on the horizon, or far away lights, and get down there lol.

Ltryptophan's avatar

Turnicate = Tourniquet

Nullo's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr At our house, the plumber installed the lever on the kitchen sink backwards. “Hot water side” will get you cold water. :D

Springfield, MO is an excellent place to learn cardinal directions; the entire place is built on a grid, and there’s exactly one skyscraper.

Seek's avatar

^ Well then I’m screwed.

It’s not a matter of learning. I’m dyscalculic. My brain isn’t wired to process that information accurately. Sometimes I get it, sometimes I don’t. I can learn the layout of the city pretty easily after I’ve driven the same roads in the same pattern a few times; it’s following instructions that’s difficult.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

Math. I’m horribly self-conscious about my lack of ability to remember it. If I’m taught, I can do it no problem, but ask me a week later to do it again and I won’t remember how. I still don’t even know all of my multiplication tables.

I’ve lived in the same city most of my life and I still can’t give directions. I don’t do streets – I go by landmarks, which most people hate.

I don’t have my license. I know how to drive, I just don’t have my license yet. I don’t know why, especially because I hate public transportation.

Blueroses's avatar

I’m another who finds left/right and east/west to be a bugger. I use “driver’s side/passenger side” which means in Europe, I’ll be screwed.

downtide's avatar

I can’t drive due to my disability and for the same reason I’m incapable of catching anything (except a cold).

Brian1946's avatar

I can’t lay the palm of my hand flat against the upper part of the shoulder of the same arm.
E.g., I can’t lay the palm of my right hand against that part of my right shoulder and I can’t do that on the left side either.

I don’t know why that is and everyone else that I’ve seen try to do it has succeeded.

But still I persevere and live my life to the fullest! :-P

downtide's avatar

@Brian1946 I can’t do that either. My palm won’t reach my shoulder at all. Clearly we have shorter-than-average forearms (that would explain why sleeves are always too long for me).

Brian1946's avatar


Can you place the palm of your hand against your bicep?

I can’t move my forearm close enough to my arm for my hand to touch any part of my arm or shoulder.
I.e., when I try to do that, my forearm stops when it forms about a 45º angle with my arm.

ucme's avatar

I have absolutely no idea how to dry dishes.I mean it’s completely beyond me. At least that’s what I tell the wife. Well, I do it occasionally but do it sloppily & slowly.That way she doesn’t ask again. Genius! I’m not really embarassed about it, more apprehensive if she ever read this. Pan + Head = Twat!! :¬)

Austinlad's avatar

Tweeting. Sorry, kids, I’m pretty tech-savvy, but I just don’t get it.

partyparty's avatar

I still can’t swim!

john65pennington's avatar

Two items: i have never had the chicken pox and i just discovered that one of my neighbors has just fallen off the drug wagon. she is back on cocaine and will probably lose her children this time.

JilltheTooth's avatar

i can’t do 90% of the things on my cell phone without my daughter nearby. It’s a bit embarrassing in company when ti rings loud and I can’t change it to vibrate. And most other tech stuff.

Aster's avatar

I can’t swim and was rescued at church camp for almost drowning. They AND Girl Scout camp tried to teach me.
My “work history” consists of one year as a secretary.
I can only whistle, barely, by inhaling.
I’m such a dork.

GladysMensch's avatar

I’d love to be able to whistle really loudly. Like the people who put 2 fingers in their mouth and get that really high pitched, loud whistle. I have no idea how to do it. And nobody has been able to explain to me how.

downtide's avatar

@Brian1946 I can’t do that either. I can just touch my shoulder with my fingertips, can’t touch any lower down my arm at all.

iamthemob's avatar

@GladysMensch – me neither

I have never, ever been able to learn to spell restaurant. Not kidding – it took me two tries on this post before the little red underline went away…

faye's avatar

I have never been able to whistle at all. And if you drive me somewhere, plop me down and ask where north is, I have no idea!

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

I’m amazed at the number of people who can’t swim. It was nearly instinctual for me. Weird.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I can do the real loud whistle thing. Any techies out there want to trade skills?

DominicX's avatar


Same. I was taught as early on as possible.

And speaking of whistling, I didn’t know how to whistle until my 17th birthday (literally, the day of). So that was embarrassing for a while…

Brian1946's avatar


Lmao! I think I totally understand your priorities there.
In one way it’s like choosing between being Bill Gates or the world’s second best bird imitator. ;-)

Austinlad's avatar

I can swim but I still can’t walk on water.

Nullo's avatar

@Austinlad Haha, loser! ~

incendiary_dan's avatar

Until last month sometime, I didn’t know why a T-shirt was named as such. Then I thought about it for a minute. Duh.

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