General Question

Jude's avatar

How do you manage to get things done when you're lacking motivation?

Asked by Jude (32210points) October 14th, 2010


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20 Answers

Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

I say to myself that my GPA depends on it

wundayatta's avatar

I wait until the deadline is close enough that I freak out and get started.

If there is no deadline, then I get to it when I feel interested in having it done.

Coloma's avatar

I don’t.

I have learned to go fully into whatever mindset I am in without resistance.

If I fully allow myself to be as unmotivated as I want things shift pretty quickly all on their own.

What we resist persists and shift happens. lol

CMaz's avatar

I start by taking a nap.

perg's avatar

Funny, I was going to ask this question but just didn’t feel like it.

In truth, I have been having trouble writing a story I don’t want to write and fell back on my practice of putting down just a paragraph at a time, in random order. I like editing better than writing, so once I have something on the page, no matter how crappy, I can mentally shift into editor mode.

Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

I have a paper in Bio to write, and I’m putting it off…..

janbb's avatar

When you find out, let me know.

erichw1504's avatar

Think about how you will feel when it has all been completed…

…and then tell me what it felt like. :(

OreetCocker's avatar

I leave it right until the last minute….... I do all my best work then :-)

tragiclikebowie's avatar

I don’t. It’s a problem.

Scooby's avatar

I phone my sister! :-/

nailpolishfanatic's avatar

I can’t! I have been procrastinating since 4:30 pm and now it’s 22:20 and am still not started to study for my tests tomorrow.

Iclamae's avatar

I turn on Leechblock, a website blocker, and then blare some music (on headphones or not). Usually gets me in the mood. Website blocker is absolutely crucial.

Jude's avatar

@Iclamae I need that.

Written's avatar

Physically impossible.

Ron_C's avatar

I usually work best when I have a deadline. Today, I drove 500 miles to investigate a problem then spent three hours developing power point presentation and emailed it with a plan to fix the problem. Tomorrow morning I drive back to the factory to set the plan in motion. Best part is that when the work starts. my wife and I will be on the train to Orlando. In this case my motivation is to get everything started before I go on vacation.

woodcutter's avatar

I wait and hope the motivation arrives somehow. It usually does but if it doesn’t come then the task wasn’t really that important. I can look at a sink full of dishes for a looooooong time.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I think of the lousy place I’ll be in 5 years from now if I sit on my duff.

Iclamae's avatar

@mama_cakes It’s a Firefox add-on. It works on my Windows 7 computer and my old Windows XP one. Don’t know if there’s anything similar for Macs, but I assume so.

MeinTeil's avatar

Go down onto the street.

Observe the homeless for a while.

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