Pascal’s wager to a “T” except belief in God is replaced with belief in global warming. And no, you don’t choose one or the other, you choose them each independently.
Okay, so the basic question here is do I believe global warming is real. I don’t, but as the guy in the above videos proposes, I do believe that we should take some action. Please note that I just said “some.” I say that because as with any belief system (religious, scientific, political, social, etc.) there are extremists. The one thing I fear most is the action of mankind. I don’t mean that I prefer inaction, but mankind has a way of screwing things up when egos are on the line. Sorry, rant. I’m just afraid that all the possible legislation that could be passed as a result is going to harm us more than hurt us. They’re charging carbon credits for Christ’s sake. How soon before they charge us to breathe (because we do emit carbon.) And let’s say that they tell us everyone must drive an “eco-friendly car.” What then happens to the cars we currently drive that don’t meet their standards? If we can’t drive them they go to a landfill and further pollute the planet. What about the batteries in all the Prii (is that plural for Prius) and the like? Aren’t those dangerous to the world after they’re dead?
As far as the aforementioned videos goes I think he over simplified some things. For one, if global warming is false and we do take action he says the only downturn is a global depression (something he avoids calling it in the second video), this is opposite the other negative of if global warming is true and we do nothing in which he proposes there will also be massive environmental, political, social, and health problems. Well, if a global depression did occur then there too would be massive political, social, and health problems rising from that. Yes, there would still be environmental effects if GW were true (wait, global warming has the same initials as George W. Bush? [or George Washington]), but what would the economic scene look like in that bottom right hand corner? Thing is we can’t really know, just like we can’t know what the world is going to do in the future. The guy in the video thinks the NAS and AAAS know because they have researched, given an answer, and have reputations to uphold, but that’s just the problem. They have reputations. Scientists should not have reputations, just as religious, political, or social leaders should not. Reputations are a form of ego and therefore can not exist in someone who represents something larger than him or herself, because then you are putting yourself before the thing you represent which is supposed to be larger and more important than you.
No, I don’t believe in global warming, I believe it to be a cycle that spans hundreds or thousands of years. Yes, I believe some action is required as we should be good stewards of the planet we have been blessed with.