Social Question

GeorgeGee's avatar

Is there something that you could do quickly but choose to do slowly?

Asked by GeorgeGee (4935points) October 15th, 2010

Let’s say OTHER than sex which is a pretty obvious answer.

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12 Answers

BoBo1946's avatar

Ummm….. like playing a good round of golf with your friends! Enjoy the moment…nature, friendship, etc. !

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

Reading a book. I can read quickly, but I choose to read slowly so I can take more in and consider the deeper implications of each thought.

bobbinhood's avatar

Eating. I can eat quickly. I pretty much have to when I’m working at camp if I want to actually finish my meal. However, I much prefer eating slowly and enjoying the experience. Food is meant to be savored, not simply consumed.

BoBo1946's avatar

@bobbinhood good answer….you would be totally correct. My grandmother use to say, “slow down and chew you food slowly and enjoy it!” How true!

JustmeAman's avatar

Enjoying life itself. You have heard the statement “Take time to smell the roses”. I think that is with most things in life.

ucme's avatar

Age. Why i’ve still got my boyish good looks & almost classic profile :¬)

Coloma's avatar

I’m great at stopping to smell the roses and appriciate the simple pleasures in life.
I enjoy long, lingering mornings to ease into the day and that is why my ldeal work schedule is 11–5 lol

The only thing I really do slowly that could be done quickly is to take out my trash. haha

It only takes about a minute to roll my trash can up my long driveway to the street but I will
‘pro-crasta-trash’ every time, waiting until the can is packed and weighs about 80 lbs. before dragging it out of the garage. haha

LuckyGuy's avatar

Eat a Dove chocolate. I like to let it get all melty in my mouth.

crisw's avatar

Cooking. I make most things from scratch.

downtide's avatar

Travel. I much prefer a leisurely journey off-the-beaten-track instead of a mad motorway rush.

AstroChuck's avatar

I’m trying really hard to age slowly. Unfortunately it’s something I seem to be doing quickly.

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