What's your favourite reality show?
Asked by
Seek (
October 15th, 2010
I’d like to say that I categorically dislike reality shows, but that would be a lie.
I like to think that everyone has at least one that they like.
My go-to shows are generally competition shows that take some real skill; I watch Project Runway every week.
I’m guilty of watching America’s Next Top Model, but I don’t follow it. I just catch reruns when I’m home alone with the baby and there’s nothing else on. I’m more interested in the photography, set design, fashion and makeup art than the people getting their picture taken.
Do Ninja Warrior and Unbeatable Banzouke count as reality shows?
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No lie, I do not watch reality tv. Unless you count COPS. Or; Smoking Gun Presents, and even that is fairly rare.
Big Brother and Apprentice… WERE.
They are all the same old same old.
How many times can you watch a train go down the tracks.
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I used to love Top Model but I think it’s and Tyra is a little passed it’s sell by date nowadays. At the moment I don’t have a favourite reality show but every so often I’ll get hooked on one. The Apprentice is entertaining.
I forgot to mention Come Dine With Me, that cracks me up.
I LOVE Ninja Warrior and Unbeatable Banzuke! Quality entertainment.
Extreme Makeover – Home Edition. Makes me cry every single time. Biggest Loser is another one that sucks me in. I liked ANTM, but I never watch it anymore. I never thought of COPS as a reality show, but that one never gets old.
The only reality show that I actually watch regularly is America’s Got Talent, but I’m not sure if that is considered a reality show.
Hell’s Kitchen is the only one I watch regularly. Or at all. And I’m not fully convinced it’s not scripted.
I couldn’t watch Hell’s Kitchen. I do like Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares, though. Not the American ones – they’re all obnoxious New Jersey Italian pizza guys.
I also like Hell’s Kitchen, it’s hilarious to watch the aspiring chefs get grilled by Ramsay. What reality show isn’t at least somewhat scripted @mrentropy?
Others I enjoy are: The Apprentice, So You Think You Can Dance (way better than American Idol), and Kitchen Nightmares.
Oh! I forgot my current favourite BBC reality show – “Come Dine With Me”. I’d totally play that one.
I gotta admit, I’m kinda hooked on The Biggest Loser.
@erichw1504 In my mind, no “reality” show should be scripted. If it were it would be… a “show.”
I like the shitty shows that no one else will admit to liking:
Jersey Shore I have to
Teen Mom
Real World
I like other stuff too:
Americas Next Top Model
Say Yes To The Dress
My Fair Wedding
A Baby Story
A Wedding Story
Amazing Wedding Cakes
@Seek_Kolinahr No dissing NJ pizza guys pls and thx.
I dissed obnoxious NJ pizza guys. I have no problem with not-obnoxious NJ pizza guys.
As of this week, the new TEACH with Tony Danza. Well done, interesting and inspiring.
Top chef
Hells kitchen
Ramseys kitchen nightmares
Pawn stars
Who’s that guy? The Dog Whisperer. Not even sure if it qualifies as “reality” but an interesting show nonetheless. Don’t watch any of the other shit….shows though.
I would say Big Brother, but that is cause I can watch it with my wife and we talk about what we think will happen.
I liked the first series of Big Brother in the UK. The participants didn’t really have an idea of the huge viewing figures they were going to get. There were a few interesting people in there, rather than the usual muppets obsessed with becoming a z-list celebrity.
I don’t watch them. If I’ve seen part of any it’s because my daughters had them on. I started watching Ramsay actually cook but once he turned into predictable anger man, I quit. Cooking shows, I’ll watch.
Biggest Loser. I think that calories are burned just watching it. You have to love Bob Harper.
^ You did read “reality”, not “science fiction”... right? ^_~
Deadliest Catch all the way! That’s a reality show, right?
Deadliest Catch..
How can a show composed of people constantly risking their lives be so yawn inducing?
@MeinTeil Wait so you don’t like Deadliest Catch? Awww that’s sad I think it’s freaking awesome!
Some of the shows on the Planet Green channel, including Blood, Sweat and Takeaways and Blood, Sweat and T-Shirts.
There was once a short-lived show that aired in the US about a group of strangers in England that were dumped off at a dump. They had to figure out how to survive off of the land with only some creature comforts like food and an outhouse until they were taken away as they adapted. It was interesting to hear how their life-styles changed after the experience, like the one guy who never wore a pair of socks or underwear more than once.
I never wear underwear or socks more than once and I’ve never lived at a dump. Wonder what went on in his head?
@MissA My apology. A bus-load of strangers that were clearly hand-picked for their non-green ways were loaded on a bus and taken to a landfill, much to their chagrin upon arrival. They had to, as a group, figure out how to live off of the lay of the land by building a shelter, etc. One of the participants used to buy socks and underwear in bulk, wear them once and then toss them into the trash. If I recall correctly, he changed his ways after the experience.
Thanks for clarifying. That might have been an interesting show! I wish that I was more of a TV-watcher. Though I miss a lot of garbage (no pun intended), I miss a lot of interesting pieces, as well. I wish that somehow, reviews could be written before their airing. Again, thanks.
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