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partyparty's avatar

Do you ever mispronounce any words while chatting to people?

Asked by partyparty (9167points) October 15th, 2010

I have great trouble pronouncing specific. I either say sapific or even Pacific.

My daughter says par cark instead of car park.

Are there any words you mispronounce?

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35 Answers

Aster's avatar

I pray to God , no. LOL !!! I’d rather not chat at all !

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I love making silly mistakes in pronunciation like “par cark” that you mentioned. Those are called spoonerisms, by the way. I think they’re hysterical.

I don’t make those mistakes often, but when I do, it’s entertaining.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I say “add-ver-tiss-ment” instead of “ad-vert-eyes-ment.” (Advertisement.)
I also put the emphasis on the “a” in bAthroom, and on the “t” in TV (Teee-V.) My sister pronounces both words just like I do, and we both get razzed for it all the time.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

“Aluminum” is the most challenging (the US version). There are two words I mispronounced the first time I said them out loud, and it will never happen again. Ah, the challenges of learning new words by reading.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@Pied_Pfeffer really? How is it mispronounced? I’m not disputing you, I’m just surprised.. and curious to hear.

erichw1504's avatar

Excape vs escape. I think a lot of other people do it too.

diavolobella's avatar

I don’t, but my SO says “Pacific” instead of “Specific”. I’ve never said a word about it to him either. I pick my battles and would never embarrass him like that.

ucme's avatar

Yes I sometimes pissmonounce my words! :¬)

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I invert and botch words all the time as in the example @hawaii_jake gave.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@TheOnlyNeffie Aluminum? For some reason, I say ‘ah-lun-ah-mum.’ Here is the proper way it is pronounced in both British and American versions.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

@Pied_Pfeffer: That damned word for tin folil! All my American life I’ve heard ah-loom-i-num and then some smarty pantses from the old world came and laughed at me, snickering behind my back, al-loo-min-i-um…

SamIAm's avatar

i always say things wrong and it drives me nuts! i think i think about it too much and will pronounce it wrong because i’m over thinking it.

DominicX's avatar

I say “Pacific” to mean “specific” on purpose to be funny, especially around my mom since she hates mispronunciation. I also say “Pointsetta” on purpose around her because she hates that with a passion. :P

I don’t know about anything that I mispronounce accidentally. I’m pretty stringent about pronouncing things correctly.

picante's avatar

I have a really, really hard time saying the word “author”—I have to put a laser-like focus on pronouncing it, or it comes out “arthur.”

Foolaholic's avatar

Oh yeah, all the time. I tend to talk too fast, so every now and then I fumble a word or two. Two days ago, it was colloquially.
can you blame me?

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Sorry Another…the names ‘Dawn’ and ‘Don’. They sound the same to me, unless I’m in Chicago.

flutherother's avatar

I tried to bring the word ‘onomatopaic’ into a conversation once. Big mistake as I could not for the life of me pronounce it properly. I still remember the embarrassment.

Rubrica's avatar

People at my school play a silly little game in class called “pass the poke” in which they poke someone and they must pass it on. Irritated by this, I often refuse to do it… not so good when you saw “I don’t pass the Pope, is destroy and absorb the Pope!”.

Yeah, awkward.

Blueroses's avatar

I often say “jewl-a-ry” instead of “jewel-ry”
“real-a-tor” instead of “real-tor”
The one that drives me crazy when others do it though is “new-cue-lar” instead of “new-cle-ar”

Kayak8's avatar

@TheOnlyNeffie I think my pronunciation on the referenced words is very similar to yours, curious.

I deliberately mispronounce two words: debris and organize/organization.

Once I heard someone refer to debris as deb-riss and it cracked me up so I do it on purpose.
I once hired a fabulous librarian whose native language was Mandarin Chinese (she was also fluent in a number of other language and her English was terrific). She just had trouble with one or two words and regularly said “orgalize” and “orgalization.” I now regularly orgalize things because it makes my heart happy!

perg's avatar

I’m still trying to get it through my head that it’s FLUH-ther, not FLOO-ther.

Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

If I’m talking at lightning speed which is almost all the time then i sometimes slip on some words. It’s not specific words, just randomly i’ll pronounce it wrong because i talk fast

seazen's avatar

Nofe. Nevah.

YARNLADY's avatar

Yes, I often my mords wixed.

cazzie's avatar

All the time… especially when I try to speak my ‘second language’. People are very understanding or get so embarrassed for me they end the conversation and walk or switch to English. As a kid, I had a hard time with ‘Cinnamon’.

I spent so many years abroad, when I go see my family in the US, I have to repeat myself a lot at first…because I forget the English or ‘American’ words for things. I’m basically caught between two languages and don’t speak either of them very well any more.

Aluminium or Aluminum? (my spell checker is even saying the latter is the incorrect spelling. I’ll always go with Aluminium. But both are perfectly OK.

(from wiki…..The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) adopted aluminium as the standard international name for the element in 1990, but three years later recognized aluminum as an acceptable variant. Hence their periodic table includes both. IUPAC prefers the use of aluminium in its internal publications, although nearly as many IUPAC publications use the spelling aluminum.)

partyparty's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Oh I am tho thorry :)))
@hawaii_jake Thanks for that. I really didn’t know the name spoonerisms. Do you have an example of any words you mispronounce?
@TheOnlyNeffie Well I suppose we all have words we mispronounce, thanks
@Pied_Pfeffer So tell us all pleeeze… what are the two words you mispronounce? :)
@erichw1504 Ha ha love your answer (sorry for laughing out loud)!
@diavolobella Oh it’s good to know someone else pronounced specific just like me. BTW I am more than used to people laughing when I say the word LOLL
@ucme You are so very naughty… but nice :)))))
@Samantha_Rae Yes I think the more you think about pronouncing certain words, the more difficult it becomes doesn’t it?
@DominicX Think I would drive your mum nuts then, because I really can’t pronounce the word specific correctly LOLL!
@picante Yes the more you try to pronounce the word correctly, the worse it goes, don’t you think?
@Foolaholic LOLL love your answer, thanks
@flutherother Well I think we should stay with the words we are able to pronounce, don’t you? LOLL
@Blueroses Good to know there are other people out there who mispronounce their words, thanks!
@Kayak8 LOLL thanks!
@Aesthetic_Mess I wonder why this happens?
@seazen LOLL thanks!
@YARNLADY LOLL love your answer, thanks!
@cazzie Yes other people seem to have a problem with Aluminium or Aluminum. I love the cinnamon and can understand why you had problems with it LOLL, thanks

augustlan's avatar

If I’m considering which of two words to use, they just come out together. All. The. Time. Novel? Book? NOOK! I just say it’s because my brain moves faster than my mouth. ;)

I also have the issue of incorrectly pronouncing a word I’m familiar with through reading, but have never heard said aloud. Usually, those slip past unnoticed, but my husband catches me at it frequently. Damn him for having the larger vocabulary!

Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

@partyparty I guess because the brain is processing too fast and my mouth can’t quite keep up.

partyparty's avatar

@augustlan Yes, perhaps that’s the answer. Our brain is moving faster than our mouth. I must remember to tell my husband I have a fast moving brain when he laughs at me! LOLL

Rhodentette's avatar

I fumble words often. Some of them are: epitome, apotheosis, anathema, onomatopoeia, aggrandise, address… And lots more. My problem is the emphases in words – when I mispronounce them, it’s because I’ve placed the emphasis on the wrong syllable.

partyparty's avatar

@Rhodentette Yes I know exactly what you mean :)

AshlynM's avatar

I have trouble saying “statistic.” I just say “facts.

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