I admit it, I sometimes stare at people. But only when there’s something so powerfully compelling about them it feels like my eyeballs are hooked and held tight so that I cannot look away! I do that thing you said, looking away as soon as the object of my rapt attention looks at me. But only for a second. The moment their glance at me ends, my gaze instantly rivets upon them again. I can’t help it! Trust me, if I had pics of the astonishing people who draw my stare, YOU also couldn’t keep from staring!
Just yesterday my eyeballs were hooked and reeled in by a twenty-something man with THE most amazing eyebrows! His entire face was incredible, like no face I have ever seen. His eyebrows were real, not drawn on, and were deeply, deeply arched, giving him a look of permanent surprise. I even tried to write about them, but words failed me. (A miracle, in itself.) His glowing amber eyes were HUGE, like headlights. Even without those crazy arched brows, his “made ya look” eyes and unique face would’ve made me stare.
I finally approached him with “I’m sorry about staring, but you have the MOST unusual eyes and eyebrows!! Well, I find your entire FACE so compelling I have trouble looking away.”
I told him he was stunning and beautiful, had a natural grace and elegance, and asked if he had considered modeling. Years ago, he said. Giving him the names of two well-known agencies, I encouraged him to find out if they might be interested in his memorable, attention-getting face.
I will not be surprised if I see him in a magazine one day….
Then there was the black teen-aged girl I saw on the bus. Spectacularly beautiful. She HAD to descend from royalty, this girl. Queenly carriage, swan neck. The set of her jaw and the way she held her head. Radiant, coppery skin, intense, glowing eyes. Full, authoritative mouth you could almost hear commanding her subjects. She must have felt my eyes upon her. She never even glanced at me. With her singular beauty she was probably accustomed to people staring….