Is someone slowly collecting every little bit of information about you here?
Asked by
seazen (
October 16th, 2010
One asks about your friends, then about where you live. Then you answer how many kids you have and their ages, what your hobbies are and whether you’re different at work (and what do you do, by the way) and in the post there’s a heated debate about who works harder, and whether your university – which you mention – is better or worse than Harvard. And what you are studying, and who your professor is.
It’s all there – plus your IP.
Awww – don’t go all redacted on me now – you must’ve known…
Mods see your PM’s even the private ones. Things get lost, misplaced, deleted. Things get copy/pasted transferred and emailed. Sometimes someone replies to all – then 1 million more have it – and only one in a million will abuse that info. Just one.
Anyway, Google is saving everything you’ve typed since you downloaded it ages ago – chrome already knows what you are thinking.
I know where you live and who you are.
Really. I do.
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71 Answers
Yeah, and what are you going to do about it? I’m all over the internet, and it hasn’t hurt me yet.
I am doing no such thing!
Hmmm. ^ Picard? Some_One?
Seeing your your question about penis size and this slightly paranoid discourse about IPs, I’m thinking you might want to get out of the house more often, @seazen. ;-)
At any rate, I won’t be sharing info about either with you!
This link explains everything. Link
There are some things I have never posted anywhere online ever.
* My full real name
* My daughter’s real name
* Where I live (I mention Manchester but I don’t get more specific than that and Manchester’s a big city)
* The company I work for, or the industry I work in (because the industry would give away the company name)
Add to this the usual common sense things like passwords, bank details etc of course.
If I search for my real name, not one single hit is me. My IP address isn’t terribly accurate at pegging where I live. Most of the time it doesn’t even get the town right. Once it told me I was in Philadelphia.
I don’t use Chrome and I don’t have a google account (correction, I do still have one but I haven’t logged into it in about 2 years. It just sits there collecting spam. If they want to archive all that rubbish, good luck to ‘em.)
There is a huge amount of information out there about me but no one will ever take the trouble to piece it all together. Just a moment. That’s strange, a knock on my door at 3:00am. Now who could that be. I will be back in just a moment…......
I just want to correct something you said… Mods can not see your PMs. The founders and I can, but we don’t do it for kicks… only if we have a reason to (like a report of harassment).
@flutherother I agree, there’s probably tons of info about me out there. I have cookies on my computer from many sites I visit (including google, because I visit Youtube fairly often). I honestly don’t care if google knows what kind of videos this person on this particular computer likes to watch. The important thing for me is that it can’t be linked to real life information like my name or my work, so I’m less likely to have my identity stolen.
I would not be hard to find. I figure that makes me easy to locate, and almost everyone else on the web. I really don’t feel that special. Doesn’t keep me up at night, anyhow.
You mean @Some_one cares? How flattering! That just made my day!
There are several… factual inconsistencies that need to be addressed here:
Why would my IP address be available to you, unless you were able to log into Fluther’s admin panel? Fluther admins know my IP address, but that information can only locate my local exchange, not my address – to get that information they would need the co-operation of my ISP.
Do you really know where I live and who I am? I doubt it. Some people do, of course, but not you and not the users of this site. if someone really wanted to, they could probably locate me, but they’d have to trawl other, unconnected sites to obtain enough information about me to positively locate me.
Your assertions about Chrome are unwarranted paranoia. If it were logging everything users typed, it would very quickly be classed as malware and Google would be forced to withdraw it. The source code is available to everyone – Chrome is open source – so suitably skilled coders can check the code for keylogger routines and remove them if need be. Google save each search associated with the IP address from which it originated, but that’s it. Google logs a not inconsiderable amount of information about you, but it’s not spying on your desktop.
The truth is… I lie about everything online! ;)
My life – or at least the parts I choose to reveal on the web – is an open book, and a rather boring one at that.
@the100thmonkey You had me at factual inconsistencies, but as I mentioned, albeit tongue in cheek, people who know things email – erringly at times. Trawl? Search. IP – maybe I know someone who knows a mod or a founder – then I can really know everything, right?
But this whole things is an intellectual exercise and quite frankly, a big tilde ~.
@seazen : Take a walk. Look at some flowers. Go ride a camel. Like @augustlan said. You really need to get out more.
I don’t think so. I don’t give out a lot of information
@seazen : Maybe I’ll stick a note in a bottle today and send it off your way. It’s bound to float all that way.
One bottle escorted by fellow jellies heading your way seazen. You may not like the contents though…
Ah, take my identity. My credit sucks anyway.
I’d like to see someone try to use any of this info to make money or whatever. Good luck with that. And anyone who wants to stalk me or some shite? Be warned, sucka:
I know karate and I ain’t scared of you.
Ok. So then, come find me.
I tell some but assuredly not all. If someone here were obsessed with parts of my life and willing to do a lot of research, it’s out there. Be my guest.
Feel free to go through my trash also, as long as you recycle afterwards and take the non-compost to the town dump.
My college is both better and worse than Harvard.
Let me know whether you are additionally interested in Milo’s page at his vets.
@seazen – with my English/Scottish friends, yep. Apparently, I’m allowed with them.
I have 34 years of military training and experience, a concealed carry permit, and a CZ75 Compact .40 cal. pistol that says, “If you’re coming my way with bad intent… bring friends. LOTS of them!” Heh!
I’d like to see someone wade through all the shit I’ve written. If they didn’t die of boredom, they’d end up disabled with a permanent migraine.
They might end up with a story, but linking that story to a real person might prove more challenging than you might think. No one has ever heard of me in real life.
Good point! Probably applies to quite a few of us : )
No way anyone would be interested in doing all that to find me- no worries.
@seazen Nope, I read it. I just think it’s quite a lot harder to actually find someone than you might think.
Drinks sound good. I’ll be the one wearing the backless dress ;)
I’ll be the one on the camel.
Yes. Santa is!
That could be why some people change their names and logins periodically. ;-)
I’ll bring the chocolate dessert.
Santa is the one on the camel?
Did I miss a class in primary school?
@seazen if you’ve been able to learn anything useful or valuable (as if) about me that I haven’t already broadcast (knowingly and with intent) here or to my kids, spouse, SOs, friends and co-workers, then please inform me, because I could use the insight.
Actually, one of the reasons that I do expound here at the length and frequency that I do is to gain more insight into myself, so that’s not likely to change.
It’s taken several years to amass an adequate amount of data on each and every one of you, so I now feel confident enough in my knowledge to admit that yes, I am slowly collecting and hoarding every little bit of information, which I will then put toward my ultimate goal of world domination.
Have no fear, little people. I will be a benevolent despot.
Sinister is as sinister does.
@MissAnthrope : Will you be the “Let them eat cake” kind of despot? I like that kind of despot.
I bet you can’t find my house @seazen. It took FedEx two days to find our new home. ;)
@jonsblond: yay! you’re back! You can have some cake, too.
Actually I wondering the other day whether it would be possible to sort answers by jelly and perhaps by topic within jelly. I knew there’s enough information here to tell a pretty good story about a lot of people, but I don’t remember most of it. If I could sort through the material efficiently, I could probably actually tell that story.
I get embarrassed when I know someone has already told me something like what kind of work they do or whether their parents are alive, but I’ve forgotten. I have to ask them again and look stupid, or I could do a little research to get my answer—if there was a good way to dig up that information.
@wundayatta There is a feature in Second Life where information can be stored about another player on that person’s profile in a notes type box. No one else could read it, including the other player. It was helpful for exactly what you mentioned.
No one knows where I live, I hope. Anyway I bet if I said my city that I live in you would all be thinking where the hell is that! And for me It’s okay if everyone in the internet world knows everything about me as long as no one I know in the real world knows it’s me.
@Pied_Pfeffer I used to use that notes field in Second Life a lot. Mainly it was things like, how do I know this person, where did we meet, etc, because otherwise I get IMs from people and I don’t remember who they are.
Sadly this feature is gone from Viewer 2 so I’m now keeping notecards.. ::grumble::
@downtide It’s a good idea – but I approach it differently here. I feel we’re a really small community – and I pretty much know what I want to about those who I’m connected to. I don’t PM much – and rarely exchange any real info – I don’t ask for names much, and don’t give out mine often. Maybe it’s different for me because I live so far away from the majority – or maybe it’s just that I’m more private.
Some jellies I feel close to – but I have no idea where they live or their real name. Strange.
hopefully people who want to be friends are reading my profile @seazen I live in Canada… and if your good I’ll PM my real name… but I’m not famous
@seazen Fluther is different from Second Life in its focus: in Fluther the focus is on the conversations themselves, and it doesn’t really matter if I first talked to you in this thread or that thread. In Second Life it’s not so focussed, so I keep notes so that I know who I met in the live music group, who I met at the Transgender group, who I know because they are dating someone else I know, who is someone’s alt account, and so on. because I have a terrible memory for things like that. But in Fluther it doesn’t matter.
@downtide I hear you – I saw a BBC program on SL and know a bit about it – though I’ve never been – it would be more like ones real life – in terms of remembering names and info. I sometimes take notes when I have new students – not trusting things to memory. Later on, I might have a card on them with their birthdate and relevant learning material and skills and such. I like to write thibngs down anyway – list guy if you will – even to shop for a few things.
Here, I feel like we’re literally all jellies – almost sexless – and at times I don’t even know the sex of a person – nor care. You’re right – it’s about the conversations here.
If there were an electronic notes feature on Fluther like there was in SL, it would be a convenient way to keep track of information on another jelly, should one desire to do so. It stays on the site vs. having to keep a paper or electronic document. If I were to switch from one computer to another, the information is always there.
There isn’t any additional risk. People give out the information that they are willing to share. No one else can see what you are collecting. My guess is that many wouldn’t even bother with the function. With that said, I’m not advocating it; just offering it up as a possibility.
I don’t think that there’s anybody keeping track of everything that we put out there; the social portions of the Web crank out so much useless garbage that the cost of storing it all would be phenomenal. Even if they were to limit themselves to account information, many sites fall prey to spambots.
That said, [redacted].
@seazen “almost sexless”? Are you kidding? I never knew there were so many genders in humankind until I came to Fluther.
@CyanoticWasp I know what you mean (simone, downtide et al) but I meant that just as you have a dog for an avatar – and most newbs just have the default jellyfish – hell – thee are people here that I am still unsure as to whether they are male or female. Nor care.
@seazen aye, got that. And she’s a female dorg, too. As my imported granddaughter corrected people this summer who would ask, “What kind of dog is he?” ... “He’s a girl.” It broke me up every time.)
I have noticed a seeming coincidence between a question being asked here and then the same question shows up on Yahoo news in a link to a new article in some prominent online magazine.
You could make the argument that every single Jelly collects data on all of the other Jellies, and build them into personality profiles.
@Nullo Cool. I’ll stop filtering my spam. The guys at MI5 should love that.
In all seriousnes though, I’m disgusted that they’re doing this, expecially after the same two parties berated Labour for proposing the same thing (and forced the policy to be abandoned) during the last government.
Isn’t there a hacker fantasy that runs along these lines?
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