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Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

Do all of you crave a house?

Asked by Aesthetic_Mess (7904points) October 16th, 2010

with a yard and a driveway or garage (if you don’t already have one)? Why?

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23 Answers

mrentropy's avatar

I do. Mostly so I can have some space. I’m literally crammed into a one bedroom apartment with two cats and two birds. And the birds come with large cages. So I don’t even have room for a small dining room table, barely enough for any kind of furniture. With the bed and computer desk in the bedroom I practically have to climb over the bed to get to the computer.

I also worry about the noise the birds make might finally disturb the neighbors enough for them to complain about it.

A house would solve these problems nicely. I don’t really care about the yard or the garage. Except for when it hails out, I think. Then it would come in handy. Although, if I had a garage I could get rid of my storage unit. That would be nice, too.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

I already have it in the US and cannot wait to sell it. The new(er) house in England has a perfect sized garden in the back, and it doesn’t require mowing. @mrentropy Maybe we should talk…

chyna's avatar

I have one. That was always my dream, to own a house and I owned my first house when I was 25 years old. It was very small, only 2 bedrooms, but it was mine and it was such a feeling of accomplishment.

marinelife's avatar

I have had houses. I do crave one right now when I don’t have one. I don’t miss the yard work, but I miss having a backyard for the dogs.

I also miss knowing that no one else can come in to my house.

xxii's avatar

Not really. I don’t plan on having kids, and I don’t really need all that much space for me and my future husband. A medium to large apartment would be perfect. The only thing that really draws me to having a house is being able to keep a big dog, but you’re starting to be able to do that in a lot of apartments as well.

marinelife's avatar

@xxii I have a medium and a large dog in my apartment. (55 lbs and 80 lbs). There is a fenced, off-leash area in the complex and a large field where you can walk them. There are nearby trails through the woods too.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Actually,I crave a large studio on the beach :)
I need roooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom!

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille I found your spot.Go to this site and look at MLS# 65417. The detached guest house can be turned into a studio. And then send out invitations so we can all come and visit. There is enough space in this Outer Banks home to put all of us up.

ducky_dnl's avatar

I crave a little cottage on Lake Muskoka. I already live in a house (moms house) and it’s just too much work. So much cleaning. A small little cottage with a gravel driveway, maybe 30/40 feet away from the lake and a little flower garden in the front part of the house. Also, space for my kids and family to play outside. I also want us to be at least five minutes away from our closest neighbor. (:

john65pennington's avatar

My home is paid for. wife and i will spend the rest of our lives in our paid for home. i do wish you luck on finding something a whole lot bigger for you. cherish it when you do.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I’d like a townhouse with enough space around it for a proper garden. I grew up in and have lived in small-ish flats my entire life.

Why would I like a house? The space. I crave the space of a house and a decently-sized garden.

xxii's avatar

@marinelife – Yup, something like that would be ideal.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Nope. I have a flat. With a balcony. And a view over the Thames. What more could you want from life.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I do. I’ve lived in so many and also apts., just constantly moving and I want a place to settle down in and call my home base. I don’t want shared walls with neighbors so a house/cottage fits the bill.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Pied_Pfeffer -The Dupont Estate? There is alot of room alright! All jellies are welcome:)
You guys better show up before I tear it down and plop an old style Nag’s Head cottage there. :))

SamIAm's avatar

YES YES YES. i want a yard for all the pets i will have, and a driveway because i need a car because i don’t want to live in the city. i want grass and housework for sure. i can’t wait.

iamthemob's avatar

Not at all. I appreciate the convenience of apartment living, especially after watching my parents deal with so many issues attached to home ownership and upkeep.

NaturallyMe's avatar

Definitely. I like to have my own space. I’ve never lived in an apartment or flats or anything, and the thought of doing so would be depressing for me. I hate living in complexes or sharing anything with neighbours who i don’t even know. Plus i love having a garden and space between me and the neighbours. I like my relative privacy of my own house and yard and property. Plus it’s a good investment.

YARNLADY's avatar

I’ve lived in apartments, shared rentals, dormitories, tents and houses, and I prefer the house over every other one.

trailsillustrated's avatar

yes I have a screwy but lovely old victorian. I love it but worry about what I’m gonna do when I get too old to make all the stairs. Plus it’s wired for sound in every room. The electrical situation is not good.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

I’ve rented abandoned warehouses in the middle of downtown for the past 20 years. They were all between 6,000 sq/ft to 20,000 sq/ft. I absolutely loved it.

I’ve rented a house in the county recently to satisfy a child custody battle. 3,000 sq/ft sliced up by walls, and neighbors that can see each other through their open windows. I absolutely hate it.

There are some very good arguments for both renting or buying. I’ve never regretted renting, and would only consider buying if the space was clever enough to tempt my creative fancies.

jonsblond's avatar

I owned a home for 16 years. I now rent a home. I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. A home is what you make of it. If you are with your loved ones, it doesn’t matter where you are.

Deja_vu's avatar

I have one with a yard and a garage.

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