How do you use the @flutherother function?
Everyone on Fluther apart from me seems to be able to link to previous comments in a thread but for the life of me I cannot see how to do this. What is the secret?
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13 Answers
It really is that simple, you just type @flutherother (Or whatever username). It’ll link to their most recent quip within the thread.
There’s even a pretty little dropdown menu when you first start typing.
@dverhey – that drop down doesn’t always appear, why is that???
The big secret is making sure you don’t have anything typed after the place you want to put @whoever. If you do, it doesn’t work. Otherwise, simply type @ and it will give you the list of everyone who is already involved in the thread.
Oh! You also don’t get the pretty little list if you decide to edit, but if you make sure the name is spelled correctly, @whoever will still link to whoever’s previous quip.
@rooeytoo I don’t know. I know it disappears when you type in a name that’s not part of the list, but It’s always appeared for me.
@bobbinhood Is correct, which is why some of us vets write Edit: after we’ve edited – to show we couldn’t get the list and may have forgotten someone, or how to spell their user-name correctly.
Is it available for the remote access people?
@bobbinhood, that is not always true, I just added @YARNLADY lady just for a test (thank you for your participation @YARNLADY, and the drop down appeared. But sometimes it doesn’t and I wonder why???
@rooeytoo That’s interesting. I’ve never had it show up when I was editing, or when it was in the middle of text I had already written. Maybe it’s all in our imaginations…
I think the dropdown box doesn’t function on phones… but I’m not positive. Also, sometimes it’s just stubborn. ;)
@auggie – I think you have it, the damned thing is just stubborn sometimes!
@augustlan I just tested it with the mobile fluther and there was no dropdown box on mine.
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