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jonsblond's avatar

Are there two words you just can't say ten times fast?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) October 16th, 2010

It’ll make my night imagining you saying these words over and over. Thank you!

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28 Answers

jonsblond's avatar

The new show Food Feuds on Food Network inspired this question. Try saying those two words ten times without flubbing them.

cookieman's avatar

fast facts
limp llama
sheet shimmies

nice to have you back darlin’

Berserker's avatar

Pillneewinkies endeavored.

cazzie's avatar

Djerv bjergdvergbjerk.

Plucky's avatar

Proper porpoise

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Haberdashery paleontology

Austinlad's avatar

Silly question, silly question,silly question,silly question,silly question, silly question,silly question, silly question, silly question, dsilly question—

How that?

nebule's avatar

redlorry yellowlorry (can that count?)

partyparty's avatar

specific Pacific !!!

ucme's avatar

Peggy Babcock….....I just know you’re going to try! :¬)

Cruiser's avatar

Eat cake…..dang!

ducky_dnl's avatar

@ucme I couldn’t do it! Ahhh! I can’t say Sausage Sandwich.

ucme's avatar

@ducky_dnl Beppy Pagcock…..comes out that way every damn time :¬(

HungryGuy's avatar

1.) Fredashay
2.) Klavierstein

gasman's avatar

Judicial system.

jonsblond's avatar

@ucme That is a tough one!

These would have been much harder for me to try last night when I was drinking. That is for sure. ;) Thanks everyone.

@cprevite Thank you darlin’

ucme's avatar

@jonsblond Yeah sure is. Nice to “see” you to “see” you nice…......again I mean :¬)

Bluefreedom's avatar

Exponentially phantasmagorical.

partyparty's avatar

otorhinolaryngologist… otorhinolaryngologist

perg's avatar

My own name. I have a slight speech impediment and it’s hard to make the transition from one consonant type to another.

Dutchess_III's avatar

perg perg perg perg perg perg perg perg perg perg perg perg perg perg perg perg perg perg perg perg perg perg perg perg perg perg perg perg perg perg perg perg perg perg perg perg perg perg perg perg perg perg perg perg perg

There ya go, hon! I just did it for you!

johlucmoha's avatar

dream on, dream on, dream on, dream on, dream on, dream on, dream on, dream on, dream on, dream on.

cookieman's avatar

President Palin

Not only can I not say it three times fast, I actually start to gag and feel nauseous after the first time.

jonsblond's avatar

@cprevite haha….very funny. :D

ducky_dnl's avatar

@ucme it comes out Pebby Babcock when I say it lol

Blueroses's avatar

@cprevite Oh, you’re right! That is the hardest of all.

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