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If gay is as normal as having red hair why kill yourself if bullied behind it?
You can always count on the media to jump on a hot button story. After the story broke about Tyler Clementi committing suicide because he was exposed as Gay by his roomy and a friend more and more stories have come out in the local news and paper. Like the spotlight being shed on some phenomenon of gay kids getting bullied, and/or driven to take their life.
That is tragic, however I have to think, logically if there is nothing more than being Gay than being born with freckles why kill yourself because of it? If a kid was teased for having freckles I don’t believe that fact alone is enough to make a kid want to end it. When a Gay kid gets outted is it coincidence that their suicide coincides with the exposing of the secret? Not all kids that off themselves are Gay, but the news I am hearing makes it seem like the fact they are Gay and/or exposed as Gay that the shame of it was the straw that broke the camel’s back causing them to end it.
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