How do you end a fight with your other half, when she will not talk and refuses to take responsibilty for her part of the cause of the fight in the first place?
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21 Answers
Keep smiling at her… she won’t be able to resist smiling back… or make her a delicious meal!!
Being Right is not always the answer. Sometimes being right is actually more important than the feelings that get trampled trying to prove it! Sometimes being the first to acquiesce is the best course for all.
That is the abstract summary of my marriage. My solution was divorce. It worked!
Just give her some down time and then make her something to eat. Strawberry cake with chocolate frosting and dinosaur sprinkles makes me feel better after a fight. Oh, and a plastic duck. (:
Wrestle her to the floor and poke her with a stick until she sees things your way.
sometimes words don’t mean sh!t ;)
@lucillelucillelucille LOL A stick Hmmm.
I would give her space like @ducky_dnl says.sometimes people needs cooling off time.Then it is easier to talking about things. My husband says after we fight.” You ready to kiss, and make up” every time he walks by. I will say ” no” and glare at him till I am ready. You know ,I would stop thinking ,or caring who started the fight, or taking responsiblity. Does it really matter? A fight is a fight.They are ok to have now and then. Just not all the time.
If it is not a vital thing, I might just give in. Or if you have pointed out her part of the cause, then just give her time to digest it and accept it.
We don’t fight very often (thank god) but when we do I suck it up and apologize for my part even if I don’t think I was wrong. But this happens at least a day after the original fight. We can then talk about what ever got us so riled up in a calmer manner.
Getting an apology from my hubby is rarely important to me. This is probably because we are not dirty fighters.
See I have this gift, I just make her laugh….sulk over. I love geting my own way, it’s nice!
Give her the time to gather her thoughts.
I end a fight with my wife with “I’m sorry” every time, regardless of who I think is wrong. Since I’m the husband I’m always wrong.
@ucme That is an amazing gift.
“when she won’t talk.” How long has she been “handling” disagreements like this? Is it a character trait or something new? Or, possibly she thinks you want to keep on and keep on (arguing) and she’s tired of listening.
@josie Wow, I was thinking the same thing.
@tranquilsea Sometimes of course, only sometimes, she doesn’t laugh. No, sometimes she slaps me across the face! Then she laughs, at the palm print on my cheek :¬(
@ucme sometimes she slaps me across the face! Does that make you laugh? :))
@partyparty Yeah, as Granny used to say….“You’ll be laughing on the other side of your face young man”! Grannies are awesome :¬)
@ucme Yes that has been said to me before….. only occasionally though :)))))))
We hug, tell each other we’re sorry for the angry way of the argument and then it moves on into the resolution, talk-about-it part. Arguing styles are important to learn, arguing is important sometimes too, shows that one or the other (both is best) wants something better to happen and is still interested in evolving the relationship. I’ve noticed people who don’t want to argue or talk about “bad/negative” aspects are pretty much not invested anymore, they’re either beat down and feeling hopeless or else they think because they say, “I love you” then the relationship will form and maintain itself.
My husband refuses to fight or argue about anything. He pretends nothing happened.
Thanks for all the good advice please forward recipe for strawberry cake
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