What would you like to get rid of right now if you could?
Asked by
October 17th, 2010
If something could just vanish right now, what would it be? How would that make your life easier or more pleasant?
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44 Answers
Out of state speeding ticket/fines off my credit report.
My hangover. I would feel so much better right now.
I wish I had a magic wand to wave and get rid of it all for us, I truly do!
My gall bladder. So I can eat something other than salads and pasta again.
@ZEPHYRA I do too. I feel pretty lucky after reading everyone else’s answers. (((hugs))) to everyone
Mindless political battles, they’re funny but I just hate how it costs money…
World hunger.
Too big of a wish? My smaller choice would be to get rid of my inability to be decisive.
My procrastination. It’s horrible. I even procrastinate doing things I know I’ll enjoy :(
@Facade That’s a sign of depression.
@Seek_Kolinahr I feel you. Most of the women in my family have wonky gallbladders, and I was one of them. That was not fun. It is actually far worse now that I don’t have one, but that’s rare.
My braces. I am very done with them. But, alas, I have another 8 months to go :-(
My last debt. It’s not much, but it’d be nice to have it out of the way.
@TheOnlyNeffie I haven’t heard of them getting worse after surgery but I have heard
of no improvement afterwards.
I’d like to get rid of lots of things. Too many to mention. How can I choose? wrings hands.
@Aster don’t choose, just go ahead, press the GET RID OF button and BAM they will be gone!
@Aster it’s rare, only affects about 10% of people that have the procedure done. I guess I’m just lucky. ;)
Diabetes, MS and baaad attitudes. Oh yeah and all the crud in my crawlspace.
My SIL. Ok, just kidding, sort of.
My ex husband’s most recent ex wife.
One or two of my coworkers.
Crawly things for ¼ mile radius of my home.
Yeah; those dead crawly things outside. Nah; I just sweep them up.
Lump on scalp called a Wen. honest.
Stained carpet (doggie)
Spider veins on leg.
.......list is endless…..
Neighbor addicted to lawn mowing, thus making our yard look sucky. I wish his house would sell.
Urges that lead people to abuse others sexually.
@Aster compulsive lawn mowing! Awesome
Dust bunnies. That would clear up my allergies. I clean the space under my bed regularly but somehow, the dust bunnies keep showing up.
Sadness and the feeling of being scared of worried.
I would get rid of greed. It leads to corruption and it’s certainly not helping anyone. Without greed I think that people would be more inclined to help those that are in need. Did you know that every ten seconds a child dies from hunger? That’s so freaking sad. If greed didn’t exist I think that number might go down. I’m not saying that all the worlds problems would be fixed, I’m just saying it would be a huge step in the right direction. It’s unfortunate that just because I’m posting this as something that I want to change, it won’t and never will.
This giant pimple on my face and my schoolwork that is weighing down on me, plus my family members’ health problems.
Not so pleasant past memories.
This house so we could move and this biology paper i have to write that is making me want to bang my head against the wall
@Mikewlf337 Awesome? It’s most annoying. Especially since after he mows he puts on those ear protector thingies and uses a loud leaf blower for half an hour. Then they have the gall to go for a walk. ))-: Plus, he’s in his seventies!!
Ditch the WTO, NAFTA, CAFTA, the IMF and the World Bank.
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