General Question

mandybookworm's avatar

What is Your View on Pendulums?

Asked by mandybookworm (714points) October 17th, 2010 Have you ever used a Pendulum? do you find them accurate? Would you recommend a certain colour for a certain person? Is there anything that I should know before buying a Pendulum?

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7 Answers

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Kayak8's avatar

I loved the one at the science museum when I was a kid. The tip moved through sand and the pendulum itself was huge.

Vunessuh's avatar

I did a report for school on pendulums. It was pretty fascinating in a boring sorta way. Giggles.
My dad and I visited the science museum twice to see the huge one that they had and we sat for a few hours and observed it. I believe every 20–30 minutes it would knock down one of the metal pegs lined up on the ground to demonstrate the Earth’s rotation. It’s one of the very good memories I have with my dad so pendulums spark a good emotion in me. :)
Go buy a whole bunch of em’!

Vortico's avatar

Tie a ball on a string, hang it from the ceiling, and get out a book on basic pendulum mechanics.

The Pit and Pendulum is an extremely entertaining toy to watch, though I don’t see any use of the colored pendulums that look like jewelry.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I like ‘em a lot, never owned one but considered using it in my witchcraft work.

starsofeight's avatar

Goes back and forth . . .

and of course,

England swings.

waffles's avatar

funny you should ask.
i just built a pendulum harmonograph—> link which is a drawing machine. pendulums can do cool things!

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