NSFW Is there something unique that you like the opposite sex to do for you?
Is there some unique that you like the opposite sex to do for you. Something that you enjoy that most people would find different or odd. Doesn’t have to be sexual.
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22 Answers
Take out the trash, repair a flat tire, prune the pine trees, wash and wax the car, cook an occasional meal, brush my and Milo’s hair, fill holes in driveway after a heavy rain, turn the compost, dig a hole for a new tree…
The only thing unique I can think of is to not give me flowers. It seems much more romantic if he has the oil changed in the car because cares about my safety.
I like when they make the bed and do my laundry… but that’s just a fantasy.
I’d like him to speak to me in the voice of Grampa Simpson while feeding me grapes.
Putting the comode lid down would be a good start.
Gently brush/play with my hair.
Run me tub baths with flower petals and milk.
Drape me in silk and jewels.
Trade pistols with me.
Really though, everything else I like, he already does and well too!
Yes and it involves a very quiet and still moment. ;)
Ok well you said it didn’t HAVE to be sexual but I have a little of both.
Gently rub/massage my head and feet, wash my back in the bath/shower, kiss my back and neck, fix my car, wash the dishes, bring me wine & chocolate, make me laugh till I pee on myself and lately I have wanted to do a DP. Hey you said “different or odd”. There you go.
I like it when there’s a guy around to open stubborn jars. All by my lonely I eventually stab the top to release the air pressure…but then I have to find a new container.
I also love a gentle pinch on the hip. A dude in middle school used to always sneak one as he went by. I barely knew him and he was an awful flirt but I liked it.
Point out attractive women when we’re out together
It may sound chauvenistic to some, but my hubby likes to pat or smack me on the butt when he walks by. Especially when I’m in the kitchen. I love it. I’ve even gone so far as to stick my butt out for him when he walks by, just so he’ll do it again, lol.
I also desperately love it when he bites me during sex.
@WillWorkForChocolate are you kidding?!?! Ass slapping while your in the kitchen isn’t chauvenistic. Hell if I’m in the kitchen and my man comes in I EXPECT him to at least cop a feel!
@Akua Ha! I’m glad I’m not the only one. There have been a few times when he walked by without doing it, and I yelled “HEY! I am here for your enjoyment!” then I’ll wiggle my butt and giggle. He makes it a point to walk back over and pop my butt. Then he giggles. It’s funny and very oddly romantic. We’re a strange pair, but we we fit together nicely. =0)
@Akua @WillWorkForChocolate aahhhh hahahaha im on the same page with you guys as to the butt smack in the kitchen, except lately when he walks by me i stick out my butt and he pretends to hump me for a brief second, then we chuckle and he moves along. i have no idea why we do it or how it started, but it is now a subconscious habit. lol.
my fiance buys me things and takes me out everytime he gets paid :) gives me massages takes care of me when I’m not feeling well and when we fight he’s always there for me in the end.. I dont think I could ask for more!
She can “spit” grapes out of her tuppence right into my hungry little mouth. It truly is a gift. Makes me feel special XD
If I answered this honestly it would add new dimensions to NSFW and might get me banned from all of the internets.
I love to lay my head down on his leg, and take a nap on the couch. He’ll reach his arm out along my side, and I feel like I’m in the safest place in the world. I love him to place his hand on my forehead when I’m not feeling well. I love it when he growls at me during sex. And probably the oddest thing I appreciate him doing for me is pulling on my arms and legs with all his might, even though he’s afraid one of my limbs will pop right off. (I have fibromyalgia, and it helps to stretch and loosen all of the soft tissues, alleviating some of my pain).
Just something. Anything. LOL !
@WillWorkForChocolate @deni – See that’s what Im talking about! I don’t care whether he smacks it, bites it or humps it, he just better pay attention and do somehing to it when he comes in the kitchen. And I’m not against him doing it when he happens to walk by and see me bent over the bathtub cleaning it either!
@Blueroses now I’m really curious… Please go tell.
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