General Question

kawaii_ninja's avatar

Abnormally Weird.

Asked by kawaii_ninja (402points) April 1st, 2008

(trying out the whole answer—>question thing)

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7 Answers

klaas4's avatar

What is Vista?

annaott22's avatar

what is my mother! LOL!

iSteve's avatar

What is Fluther today?

ccatron's avatar

what is redundant?


what is normal? (if something is abnormally weird, would that not make it normal?)

trogdor_87's avatar

What is Matt Damon with a lisp and a gimp arm?

blippio's avatar

”..and how would you describe his penis, ma’am?”

bulbatron9's avatar

What do you call someone who gives themselves a ketchup enima?

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