What's your favorite feeling?
physically. Mine is drinking something hot after coming in from freezing cold, and your insides get all tingly because it’s been really cold.
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28 Answers
The excitement from accomplishing something I was fearful of.
Oops. I see you wanted a physical feeling- Standing outside during a snowstorm and feeling the snow touch my body.
Warm clothes fresh out of the dryer on a cold morning.
Nothing feels better than a nice long loving hug.
There’s that sudden wave of joy I get around Thursday afternoon or Friday morning realizing the weekend is almost here. I used to get that same feeling when I was in school. (Incidentally, the exact opposite of that feeling comes right after lunch on Sunday.)
I also love the feelings I get when I hear a song or piece of classical music I love. Or see a birthday card in my mailbox or a package I’ve ordered. Or wake up on a rainy morning.
And those just scratch the surface.
Climbing into a very cold bed and being able to cover myself in covers and snuggle in.
I like that feeling of being in the zone, whether I’m driving, writing, or playing a videogame. That feeling of heightened senses giving you more adept skills and reflexes.
Slipping in between the sheets when my legs are freshly shaved. Also, climbing back into bed after a bathroom visit to find the bed is still very warm on a cold night.
Ooh, nothing beats that “i’ve just dropped a log down the pot” feeling. A good old eye watering shite, marvellous :¬)
There are so many “favorites” for so many different times. Orgasm, of course, as has been noted.
But urinating after having an uncomfortably full bladder for too long is a wonderful feeling, as is bowel evacuation any time that’s not, “OMG, not now!”. Climbing into a warm bed on a cold morning when you don’t have to get up—or at least not ‘right away’—is wonderful, as is climbing into a cool bed on a hot night, or finding coolness under the covers on such a night, when the spot you’re in is too warm.
Breaking a fast after a decent interval to build up one’s hunger, and eating something that one particularly enjoys, and even breaking wind when you find a good place (for you) to do that. I just hope that I’m not in the elevator with you when you decide that “now’s the time”. In that case, stepping off that elevator would be the finest thing in the world.
I love that feeling when you come to believe that someone is hooked on you, and that they want you just as much as you want them.
That or sex. Sometimes they happen at the same time.
I feel very fortunate that I experience favorite feelings in a vareity of flavors. What everyone esle said rings true with me.
A few standouts include:
lying down on very clean.cool sheets and feeling my body let go
the first cool breeze in autumn
the feeling of knowing that someone is totally into you (not sure that happens too often)
the joy of a great accomplishment
coming home to a clean house
I could go on—but I’m already over quota.
@picante lol you can go on as much as you like
Those times that you have complete peace of mind !
After reading John’s answer, looking forward to a day with less pain. Hopefully, after my surgery 3 weeks from today, things will get better.
Lovey feelings, of course!
After 16 surgeries, the feeling of no pain, just for one day.
The feeling I get when I know I am loved.
Being hugged by my SO and daughter. I wish I could capture that moment and bottle it!!
Oh and my dogs cuddling up to me.
@partyparty Being greeted by a dog when you get home is a great feeling too. No one is more pleased to see me than my dogs!!!
@Leanne1986 Yes I couldn’t agree with you more. They fuss around you as though they hadn’t seen you for years and years. A wonderful feeling :))
I have a few. Here’s a brief list:
Being liked
Liking in return
Fingernails on the back of my neck
Turning a page in an old book
Frayed blankets that have been sitting on an air conditioner
New guitar strings
Fall air
Rolled down car windows in Summer
Lacquered wood
The click of an old camera shutter under my finger
Pulling the lever on an adjustable office chair and feeling it lift me up
Nude cuddling
The thud of bass guitar
Opening an envelop
Hey, I think I wrote a poem.
Feeling the rain fall down on me on a warm day. :D
Some things aren’t “favorites” except for timing.
I love (really) clearing the driveway of snow in a howling blizzard, when I’m not late for work. I can enjoy that. I like driving rainstorms, and being outside in that storm, when I’m not on my way to go someplace else; feeling it at home, or as I walk in the door after work, is quite enjoyable. I like sweating in the sunlight while I’m working in the yard on a hot day, and the feeling of accomplishment as I finish the things that I’ve set out to do.
Yesterday, I enjoyed the feeling of a solid deck under me… after pulling myself out of the water after my capsizes. I really enjoyed climbing into bed at the end of the day, when I was too tired to even sit any longer.
being massaged or
being lovingly tickled
neither of which happen to me very often..seldom in fact
I love it when it’s freezing and I jump in bed and curl up in the blankets to get all warm =]
Love, followed very closely by happiness.
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