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Is it okay to lie to your kids?
I saw this commercial today, and it kinda bothered me. It has a daughter looking for a shirt in her closet but it’s not there. She asks her mother if she borrowed it and the mother tells her “It’s not my style”. Cue the flashback of the mother partying the night before and staining the shirt. Then she gets the stain out with Tide, and the stain is gone. Then the daughter miraculously finds the shirt back in her room, and the mother has a sense of satisfaction on her face.
Is there a bit of a double standard here? It makes it seem like it’s okay for parents to lie to their kids, but then you see those “Truth” PSAs which say that kids should never lie to their parents (granted it’s about drugs).
I know that drugs and shirts are completely unrelated, but it really sort of bothered me.
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