I was in Japan, and while riding a bicycle at speed down a hill, got hit by a car. This girl looked out the car window directly at me and then proceeded to pull out, in an illegal u-turn, and run over me. Not unlike this, but on a bicycle.
Rental car, temporary driver’s license, from out of town, about 15yo – but she gave me a ride to the hospital, so it was OK. She almost killed multiple people on the way there, which literally made me laugh uncontrollably out loud because since she looked directly at me, just before she ran me over, I knew in my heart that she had done it on purpose – but then realized on the way to the hospital that she must have not been wearing her contacts or something.
I will never in my life forget the unemotionalness of her demeanor.
I had an “Internal Reduction” surgery for the collar bone. They put me out for the surgery but I was a very lean 250 and the amount of drugs they gave me to knock me out just didn’t cut it, and at one point I spasmed and remember jumping up off the gurney and running, having about 5 doctors and nurses tackle me and hold me down on the floor like I was some horse. I didn’t know what was happening – I woke up to “hot lights and cold steal.”
After.. (being a 6’5” athletic white guy – hard to explain the contrast) the nurse rotation was intriguing. I was there for a few days and quite the talk of the town. The pain killers they gave were hard-core, and suppositories. There was one nurse (the one I had a complete crush on – the REALLY hot one – manager type, everyone else was in deference to her – but a “Nurse Ratchet” type) tried to come up and administer the pain killer. She wanted me to roll over and for her to stick the suppository in. It’s quite hard to explain how hilarious this was for about a week of me denying various hot astute and quite serious Asian nurse women to stick a painkiller up my ass, and then me laughing out loud time and again and taking it and doing it myself. It must have been a game with them, who would be the first one to nail me. I would wake up with young Asian women lifting up my skirt trying to administer. It was hilarious.
I remember waking up before the surgery and shamelessly coming on to a nurse like I was on ecstasy or something.
To this day I have a bunch of those suppositories. They are – trust me – the ultimate hangover relief. When you know you’re worthless and in pain from a hangover – and then debauch yourself for relief – that is somehow the ultimate in “truth”.
The Japanese company I worked for ended up suing the girl’s insurance company and getting me a few years salary – however, later while mountain biking I broke the bone again (a couple times actually) and have had complications with it ever since.