Chat and Questions in Fluther - a thought.
Asked by
seazen (
October 18th, 2010
The questions are what make fluther, and allow websites and people all over the web to find answers, especially in General, or have discussions in Social and Meta.
This is important because they are recorded, tagged, and accessed by search engines galore.
But how much thought and discussion is “lost” in chat? Many jellies practically live there, hardly ever contributing to posts and threads – but their input there could be just as important and interesting, and, moreover, spontaneous and really cool.
Is there a way for these chat rooms to be live, public and recorded as part of an overall fluther experience – or is this system the way it should be?
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31 Answers
The system is the way it should be.
As someone who basically lives in the chat, I have to say, I’ve got your contribution right here, pal!
It’s a chatroom. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.
I for one wouldn’t want to read logs of Jellies flirting with each other.
I don’t think many people wants whats in chat published….you could become a pariah for job hunters… maybe some stuff could be published later… I think the mods can read old chats…does anyone know if it is true?
@seazen a General chat-room would be kicking people out over and over…maybe after 5000 years we will have the maturity to talk in a General Chat
@talljasperman I was a Mod for MSN chatrooms in the very beginning – when you couldn’t even say shit – let alone attack someone. There were up to dozens of people at a time and the room would make your head swirl – as it did.
But it can be done – and besides, it can be checked before being posted – or something like that – I hadn’t thought this through completely – it was more about the posterity of keeping some of the threads there… feel free to contribute or even destroy this idea – I don’t mind – could be off completely…
I think the idea is awesome. Unless people use anonymous names in the chat it would inevitably devolve into the usual silliness though.
@seazen I started my internet life on MIRC the mods their were frustratingly strict… its a good idea…we must consult the Fluther Gods.
You are speaking in the third person, which is usually left for the fluther gods themselves, @talljasperman ;-)
@seazen a man can dream can’t he : )
i like the way it is but we should be able to do our own profile and put i back ground of our own choice.
Just to answer the one question, yes, mods can review old chat transcripts. I’m rarely in chat, so I don’t really have an opinion on your idea.
The chat in Chat is even chattier than the chatter in Social. Trust me, it’s 90% stuff nobody will want to see if they weren’t involved in.
^ Kev and Auggie: I suggested a General-like chat room – where jellies would know what they were “getting into” in advance. The difference would be, of course, spontaneity.
I’m not a tw@….sorry, chat room dweller, don’t feel the need. Therefore I can’t really comment….....although I just did, sort of :¬)
Kudos for trying to think outside the box.
Ok, you say that tons of jellies live in the chatrooms, but every time I go to chat no one’s in there, or it’s just a couple people and dead air. So what am I doing wrong—or are you lying to me??!!?? :P
@ucme GA just for introducing me to a new way to type insults.
@papayalily Oh it wasn’t an insult, more of an opinion i’d say.
There already are several different chat rooms, each with a different purpose. Most of the time, people only hang out in the Watering Hole – Social Chat. The stuff that gets said in social doesn’t really need to be recorded. If people wanted to talk about current events or something in specific there are other rooms available for that, I just don’t think anyone really wants to go that far with it.
@ucme Either way, I’m loving it.
Most of what we say is pretty uninteresting to anyone but us. Hell, it’s boring to us most of the time.
If you want to read what we talk about, just lurk for a few hours, then scroll up and read what you missed.
We rarely talk about Fluther questions or have discussions that could help anyone outside of chat.
Like I said – twice – a General-style chatroom – for fluther universe – people would know in advance it was serious, and being recorded – but the flow of spontaneous conversation, not just a thread which can be hours and even days between posts – most usually copy/pasting from wikipedia and such… I think it would be great to see a conversation between, say Matt and a few other jellies in a free-for all – no holds brains barred match of wits.
Thanks @austinlad – I was trying to think out of the box a bit – and as I stated – perhaps I’m wrong and there is no place or use for it. Fine.
@seazen I think that is suppose to be more of the purpose of the “current events” room (it’s just not recorded). I believe it’s supposed to be for more serious conversations about events going on, it’s just that people rarely go in there.
If you really could get people to go in the chat rooms for those types of conversations, it would definitely be interesting and more fast paced then waiting for each other to respond to a question.
@seazen We still look forward to having you in the chatroom, buddy_.
@bob_ Meet you there at 5 a.m., my time. ;-)_
I once thought of a question when I was in chat.
I just handed it off to someone else and they posted it in Fluther.
@Seaofclouds The current events chats really only get going when something major is happening. Like the last presidential election, or the Olympics.
Its the way it should be…dont question it.
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