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Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

When I say New England what do you think of?

Asked by Aesthetic_Mess (7904points) October 19th, 2010

Or what’s the first thing that comes to your mind?

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40 Answers

Winters's avatar

Clam Chowder and “I hate the Patriots” not sure which one popped into mind first though.

Frenchfry's avatar

Big Ben. and the queen.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Rock fences, fuel oil, wood fires, and L. L. Bean
I can’t say which came first.

syz's avatar

Funny accents, maple syrup, and fall color.

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Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

@Frenchfry not England part of Great Britain, New England, the region in the U.S. lol

talljasperman's avatar

new new york from futurama

xxii's avatar


Tropical_Willie's avatar

White church with tall spire. Maple and oak tress all around it

anartist's avatar

home, my 1806 house in N Billerica MA when I was a kid.
@Tropical_Willie There was a church across the street that looked just like that.
Summer camp on Squam lake. Vacationing with my granmother at Sunopee
Cinnamon candy in my grandmothers house. The Hanover Inn. Dartmouth. Rockywold. Green Mountains. White Mountains oh just tooooo much

chyna's avatar

Snow and old world charm.

janbb's avatar

Fall foliage, farms, windy roads, red barns and My Son’s Wedding which was on a mountaintop in Vermont.

wundayatta's avatar

Home. It’s where I grew up. I think of the Pioneer Valley and Mt. Holyoke. I think of driving the “back way” to my Grandparents house. I think of liberalism and lesbianism and what was, at the time, the tallest library in the world, although that may no longer be the case. I think of all the swimming holes I knew and riding my bike down the country roads with my dog running next to me.

I think of riding my bike through three states in one day on a 90-something mile ride. I think of climbing Mt. Chocorua. I think of building barns and chucking hay up in the lofts and carrying newborn calves out of the field, and the best zucchini and corn in the world. I think of weeding asparagus…..

It’s trip down memory lane.

However, I don’t ever want to go back, except to visit or for a vacation.

Austinlad's avatar

Clambakes, the Kennedys, turtle neck sweaters and cords, autumn.

Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

@wundayatta Why not? Do you not like it anymore?

Austinlad's avatar

I also think of the musical “Carousel” !!!

perg's avatar

There’s a certain smell (a good one!) in the air about this time of year when you’re outside – maybe a combo of dead leaves, wood smoke, and a slightly ozone-y tang that I guess is just cold air. Love it.

Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

@Winters How dare you! The Pats are good

cazzie's avatar

John Irving and Steven King. The goodnight greeting from ‘Cider House Rules’, ‘Goodnight, you princes of Maine, you Kings of New England.

marinelife's avatar

The smell of burning leaves.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Fall colors and Maine Coons :)

aprilsimnel's avatar

Rocky coasts, old-fashioned lighthouses, lobster and people who say “wicked” a lot.

downtide's avatar

@meiosis That song is the first thing I think of too.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

…Journal of Medicine.

Winters's avatar

@Aesthetic_Mess how bout we compromise and agree that the Clam Chowder is good and forget about football?

cough, cough, Patriots suck, cough, cough


YARNLADY's avatar

Snow, brrrrrrr, freezing cold.

Frenchfry's avatar

@Aesthetic_Mess silly me. I read it wrong. I swear I need my eyes checked. Ok New England Patriots! Talking funny. The way they say bar and car. Hilarious!

Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

@Winters lol. fine clam chowder is good.
ahem ahem Patriots rock!!!!

Mat74UK's avatar

Family Guy!

wundayatta's avatar

@Aesthetic_Mess No I don’t like it. Let’s just say it was the site of some of the more miserable times of my life. Mostly it was a very lonely place for me.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I also think: Stowe and LL Bean.

Berserker's avatar

Stephen King. Seriously.

aprilsimnel's avatar

And John Irving, too.

anartist's avatar

Billerica again.
my “you can’t go home again”
1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6

The aerial is google 2009, the house and back yard are in lower left

Learning to herringbone up a hill on my first skis
Mrs Booth’s riding school, Laconia NH
collecting shells on the Cape
picking blueberries
the cog train up to top of Mt washington
climbing to the top of Mt Chocorua, picking blueberries and skinny dipping along the way
An architect friend’s student project at Yale, the family vacation home at gay Head martha’s Vineyard

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anartist's avatar

And last—an old old town Lebanon NH—about the same age as Dartmouth College where the streets were named for what was there—Church Street, School Street, Bank Street
and the old old elementary school I went to that was right next to a graveyard and that was just taken for granted as the way things were.

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