General Question

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

How do I find personal enrichment classes in my community?

Asked by ANef_is_Enuf (26839points) October 19th, 2010

Art classes, self defense, yoga, cake decorating… classes like that. I tried the local art museum and an adult educational center, but it looks like I am too late to sign up for their classes.

Is there a better way to find classes like this, and the places that host them? Or am I out of luck?

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10 Answers

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I would go directly to the studio whether it be art,yoga,or self defense.Do the art classes,you know it’s the most fun! :)

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille I am aiming for art classes. I found a sketching class that I really wanted to take, but it was too late. Good ideas, I’ll try that.

gailcalled's avatar

Check the local high school and community college. They have lots of adult education programs, not for credit and of various duration and prices.

funkdaddy's avatar

Here, the local community college offers a full line of classes for students and non-students, some of them are really amazing. The local state college has a pretty extensive line up as well for non-students, but they’re usually more expensive and slightly more formal.

You might also try something like or facebook, see if there’s a group in your area for what you’re interested in and see where those folks gather to practice and learn. Those communities can be a great resource.

marinelife's avatar

Many colleges have extension universities, which feature classes like that.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@TheOnlyNeffie—You could also contact local potters and see if they give lessons.It is reaaallllly fun—:)

wundayatta's avatar

In my area there are free papers that often have ads for these things. You can research it online, too. That’s where I’d start. Art classes [town name]. You could go to local pottery shops or craft shops and ask where the crafters and potters meet. Even the places you went—- go back and ask them to recommend who else does whatever it is you are looking for.

Also, ask everyone you know. Someone will know something. Often that’s where you find the most interesting stuff.

Cruiser's avatar

My park district offers a full array of those classes as do most towns in my area. There are businesses here that are called “Wellness Centers” that will host your yoga, meditation, massage, martial arts and art courses all under one roof. There are also a few that teach out of their homes or privates at your location so I might check the internet for listings in your area.

YARNLADY's avatar

Parks and Recreation, Senior citizen/teen community centers, community college, private schools (especially for yoga and martial arts), craft/art supply stores.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille funny you should mention that. ;) I’ve been seriously thinking about it.

Thanks everyone for all of the suggestions, this gives me far more to go on than I started with.

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