Can zombies swim?
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October 20th, 2010
Will I be safe from the undead on a boat?
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37 Answers
Nah—they’re just dead weight.
I would think that “swim” is not the exact term to use. They are more likely to just float.
Those mother fuckers…..pesky little buggers would be dead in the water :¬)
BTW, welcome back to Fluther you special little monkey you!
@Kardamom But could they consciously direct their floating?
You could lash them all together and make a paddle boat!
@Joybird What do you use for rope? Hair, from their backs… sort of like Jack Sparrow?
They do not need to. They will walk in and walk out. Or just wait for YOU to swim by.
Only on left-handed Thursdays.
@ChazMaz I was thinking about traveling by houseboat after the Zombie Apocalypse and wondering if would be safe.
“after the Zombie Apocalypse”
It is only “after” when all non-zombies are dead.
So enjoy your boat while you can.
See “land of the dead”
I watched that movie last month. Those movies drive me crazy. lol
I thought people that have risen from the dead could walk on water?
They can’t literally swim, the act thereof I mean. But they can and will survive under water. Zombies don’t need to breathe, and may wander at the bottom of a body of water for quite a while. They will also attempt to attack a human, should they spot one in the water. It really makes no difference to them, and probbaly they aren’t even close to realizing that the water greatly impedes their motor functions.
Hell in the movie Zombi/Flesh Eaters one of them attacks a shark
I was of the mind that dead bodies, undead or not, floated though…realistically, I don’t think they would walk at the bottom of anything, unless it’s a relatively calm body of water. Even if their flesh absorbs a lot of water, they would still float, as dead bodies tend to do for days, if not weeks.
Either way though, weather they float or not does not matter; you’re not safe from zombies on or in water.
It depends on the author. Some authors have zombies decomposing just as corpses do in reality. The bacteria in their bodies emit various gasses causing their torsos to bloat, and they would float. Since zombies can move, they could propel themselves with their arms and technically swim. If they dry out, and not really decompose, as other authors speculate, then they would not bloat, and would sink.
You are not safe anywhere. Since the only way to stop a Zombie is to cut off the head or throw a large caliber round in to it thus blasting most of it off, water will not be much of a problem for them. So what if they sink or swim? They are not going to die just because they are in the water and if they are hungry I am sure they will find a way to get to you in droves.
My plan is to build a suspension house between to large cliffs, over water with high tension wires coated in razor wire and electric wires and line the perimeter with motion sensitive tri-podded 20mm guns. In case of an emergency I will have ballistic explosives set up as far as 5 miles out if I need to move and be in the open. I would also like to have the ability to keep turret houses with a few mobile howitzers. My plan is to keep 12 square miles safe, somewhere in the mountains near water. lesigh….I’ve not really thought it about it though, until now.
You can come stay with me if you want but we will have to leave once a month for food stuffs.
Yes They swim the doggie paddle.
The zombie won’t be swimming after I tear his head off with my uber sharp canines. And I’ll sparkle as I swim away…
@lloydbird, yes. All of this has been covered in the above quips.
@FutureMemory No love, I’ve always been a vampire. I just like to keep it on the down low.
@judochop you know, it’d probably be easier (and cheaper) just to make a man made lake around Lawrence Livermore Laboratory than put all that together. That lab pretty much has all the defenses you mentioned except they’re automated 30mm vulcan cannons, not 20mm.
No, they cannot swim, but it dosnt mean they cant travel through water. if youve seen “Land of the Dead”, You’ll see that the army of zombies walks through the water, walking on the bottom of the lake (cuz theyre just dead weight) and arriving on the other side of the lake to kill people
They can do just about everything!!!!!!!!
Nearly all zombies lack the coordination necessary to swim but they have no fear of water and they cannot drown. I would never underestimate them ever. It is a little known fact that destroyed zombies will in time resurrect and kill anything living that they can get their hands on. If they have hands that is. Unfortunately these resurrected super zombies cannot be killed.
@flutherother Is that ‘fact’ from a movie? cuz ive never heard of a zombie that cant be killed by being shot in the head. where are you getting your information from? lol
@flutherother I thought you chop their head of. HMMM The very first Zombie movie was shot on my town. Well maybe not the the first. We had a Zombie Fest to celebrate
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