General Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Do you vote early or on election day?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37818points) October 20th, 2010

In order to avoid the lines and crowds, I vote early. In fact, I’ll be voting today or tomorrow.

I know some states vote by mail, so that’s definitely early.

Many people enjoy voting on the actual election day. They like the lines and the talking and the people.

What do you do?

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11 Answers

heresjohnny's avatar

I’m registered in my home county, but live in another county where I go to school, so I always vote absentee. In fact, I have never voted in a polling place on election day. I just mailed my ballot for the November 2nd election today.

WestRiverrat's avatar

On election day. Many that have voted early here, say they would change their vote if they had waited.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

I’m pretty anti-social for the most part, and if I was waiting in lines with a lot of other people, I’d most likely assume that they all voted stupidly (because I’m also cynical), so I would try to avoid the crowds. Ahem. :D

Lucky for me, Oregon is strictly mail-in ballots.

zenvelo's avatar

On election day. You never know what will happen. There was an upstate NY congressional election, I believe last year, where one of the three candidates dropped out the Sunday before the election. All those who voted for her early lost their chance to vote for one of the the other two.

muppetish's avatar

I vote by mail if election day conflicts with my schedule. Otherwise, I enjoy going to the booths on election day to collect my “I Voted” sticker :)

Megaperceptiva's avatar

You can vote or on election day. It’s your call and it just depends on your schedule.

marinelife's avatar

Sometimes early, sometimes of election day. It depends on what I have going on.

WestRiverrat's avatar

When we lived in Chicago, my parents were encouraged to do both.

Kardamom's avatar

Most of my family votes by absentee ballot. We like sitting around the kitchen table and carefully making our selections without the pressure of standing in line and worrying about whether we’ve read the questions correctly. When I used to vote at the booth, when they still had those awful “hanging chads” I always had a niggling feeling that I’d pushed through the wrong spot. Now that they’ve changed to filling in the baloons with black ink, I feel more confident.

jaytkay's avatar

I like voting on election day. It’s a big deal to me, voting is a huge privilege and we are very lucky our forebearers gave it to us. Yes, that sounds corny but I truly feel it, ever since I was five and my father held me up in the voting booth to pull the levers for him.

Mamradpivo's avatar

I live in Oregon, so I voted this weekend. The whole state votes by mail, which I love. I have time to sit with my ballot and a voters guide, actually considering each of the 19,000 ballot initiatives that we address each year.

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