Is your typing style the same on Fluther as it is everywhere else on the web?
Do you spell check, capitalize sentences, use proper punctuation everywhere that you type?
I don’t. My facebook page always has countless more emoticons and lol’s than I would ever use on fluther. I’m also guilty of ignoring capitalization in many cases (especially if I’m on my phone), and using the occasional “IKR” or “OMG.” I think a lot of this habit forms from frequent texting, it becomes necessity to shorten sentences, and then that kind of sticks.
What about you? Are you more aware of your spelling and grammar on fluther than you are on a social networking site, or an email to a buddy?
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47 Answers
I’d have to say my style is pretty much the same. I tend toward formality in all forms of writing, but I think that is because of the nature of my work. It’s just habit. I talk a little more formally than some people too, except when I’m just being silly.
I find myself trying to use the _ italics_ function on a lot of other websites where it simply does not work. Oops.
Yes. I was bullied so badly on here. I can’t help it now.
I am grateful
Oh bloody hell no! When I send e-mails to friends & family i’ll basically type how I talk, ya nar worra mean like bonnie lass!! <<<regional dialect there :¬)
I write and edit for a living so it’s hard for me to let go of proper grammar, punctuation, etc. So I only do so for Twitter and texting. If I’m in a hurry, you can tell because my sentences might be constructed oddly – modifiers are in odd spots – or I repeat myself because I haven’t taken time to self-edit.
Years ago, I subscribed to a Usenet group that took an extremely dim view of emoticons and poorly constructed messages, but was fine with Internet abbreviations (some were parts of standard jokes) as long as they weren’t overdone. I’m still in touch with a lot of the regulars via other channels, and it affects my online writing to this day.
Yup. Fluther’s style is my style.
I am the same here as I am on other sites for the most part. There might be a few subtle differences, but not many.
I don’t text so I write the way that I always do.
I always capitalize when answering questions. When in the chatroom, I don’t capitalize the first letter of the sentence (e.g., “how are you?”). Other than that, it’s the same.
@ChazMaz You missed the apostrophe in “can’t”.
Usually I type the same. When I’m on FB, I’ll sometimes use phrases instead of full sentences, but it’s basically the same
Yes. I wrt d same wA 2 evry1.
This is how I always write. I have been repeatedly teased for having proper grammar, capitalization, and punctuation in my text messages. I always write things fully on instant messenger, as well (which means I also get teased there).
Honestly, Fluther is like a breath of fresh air to me. I love being able to come to a social site where things are generally written well. It was one of the first things that stuck out to me about Fluther, and it’s a large part of why I fell in love with the site. I hope we never relax the standards. We can go anywhere if we want to be sloppy. Fluther’s writing standards are one of the things that make it an oasis of the internet.
I’m officially paranoid that I committed some grievous grammatical error somewhere in this answer. It would be halfway funny if I did.
Yes, it is the same style on any website, including at least one typo on every entry no matter how much it is proofed.
As a former secretary I tend to use the same, somewhat stuffy, style of writing everywhere online from facebook to Fluther to emails. This tendency could also have something to do with the fact that I came of age long before the advent of texting and the interwebs and the need for these new fangled abbreviations.
I confess… I write full sentences all the time. I’m with @SuperMouse . I guess I am not quick enough to think of gr8 as great. It is too slow for me. It is much quicker for me to type complete words and sentences.
That is proof that although I may feel and think I’m half my age, my birth certificate is most likely correct.
All I can say is hallelujah to Spell Check!
I write the same everywhere. Mistakes ,and all.
It’s the same everywhere for me. Including my commonest typo – hitting the semicolon where an apostrophe should be. I even write full grammatical properly-spelled sentences when I’m texting.
No. I write differently depending on where I am in cyberland. I clean it up here, swearing less, checking for errors, and trying to real in my tendency to go off on tangents. On IMs, I won’t spellcheck so long as it’s obvious what I was trying to say, and make almost no effort to clean up my writing in any way. I also use a few textisms (or whatever they’re called) in IMs like BRB, LOL, OMG, IKR no matter where I am. If I’m on my phone, I will use full-on text lingo for actual texts (or with one friend, IMs because she doesn’t get texts… it’s a whole thing)—but only for that. But if I’m fluthering on my phone, I’ll make that it meets quality standards or I’ll make myself wait until I can get to a real computer. On LiveJournal, I’m much more… memey and flirty and generally colloquial due to the setup of communities, since if I’m posting on The Daily Show’s community, there’s a really good chance that whomever I am chatting with is a girl under 35 who finds Jon Stewart to be dead sexy and <3s the Jewish race in general.
@papayalily ohhh, right. The potty mouth. I cut that back several notches for Fluther, too. Forgot about that. I’m also excessive with the <3’s in my posts off of Fluther.
@TheOnlyNeffie I typically swear like a motherf***ing #$^$, you %^$%#. :D
OMFG I so fuckin’ <3<3<3 y’all LOL!!1!!1!
I very much appreciate having all of you as my acquaintances.
@bob_ ZOMG, me 2! Are you a ( ! ) man or a (.)(.) man???/
There’s a reason I censor all this stuff on Fluther. Otherwise, I’d have to ask you all your gender like this: If I went down on you, would I look like this :O or this :p and I think we all know how that would go…
I say we have one week on Fluther with no Mods (they could use a vacation) and no censorship.
An experiment. Will absolute power corrupt us all?
@ChazMaz I would actually really enjoy this social experiment. Perhaps we could create a special section just for the participants.
I don’t like geometry, but I ♥ triangles.
@bob_ I love triangles too. And circles aren’t so bad, either.
It has come to my attention that after stating that I try not to derail threads in Fluther, I’m doing just that. But no mod has stepped in thus far, so I figure I’m ok.
Basically yes.
About the only difference for me is that there’s no time limit for me to edit my messages at most of the other places where I type.
Consequently, I have more entries at those other places that have all the words that I intended to type and none of those that I forgot to delete.
Pretty much. I don’t pay as much attention to capitalization in IMs, but that’s about it. Also, I love to fucking cuss. ;)
I am secretly loving that fluther is full of potty mouths.
Maybe it isn’t so secret.
bows unto the Collective
I pray to thee my deare colleagues to indeed forgive my intrusion which I so rudely oppress upon thee, but most importantly how’er, I do wisheth to cast upon thy genteel eyes the true nayture o’ my social disposition ‘pon the intrawebZ.
I hath, indeed, relinquished my normality to become a knight, runneth about the webz0rz speaking as an ass.
I thank thee for accepting my brief missive, and I bow unto thee again while crassly exposing my bosom crack, and- falls over
Nah, my spelling is the same everywhere. I do my best to watch my grammar and spelling, but I’m not shy of using slangs, lame textspeak just to be an ass, I swear a lot wherever it’s accepted, (And even then.) and I don’t care much what people think of any of it.
This is surely part of an evil plot to cyber stalk everyone on fluther.. I am not fooled.
Nice try :)
I only participate in Question and Answer sites, a newsfeed blog and some personal/family blogs. I use the same grammar rules I always have.
I type, text, and instant message the same. Away from Fluther, this grates on the nerves of people I communicate with, especially close friends. They think my writing is: 1) too formal; 2) that I waste time looking for proper accent marks (no one will ever catch me texting “garcon” instead of “garçon”), punctuation, capitalization, et cetera; 3) if I do not use emoticons or “lol” then people have a tendency to read my tone incorrectly; 4) it makes them feel awkward when their response to my lengthy paragraphs is “yeah lol”.
When I was thirteen on websites like Neopets, I wrote using complete sentences. I stood out like a sore thumb. Everyone thought I was much older and had a stick up my ass.
Yes, I do, but then again, 98.4752% of the time, I’m a stickler for that sort of thing.
I never understand why people like to give us a hard time for writing and/or speaking well. What the hell is up with that?
@augustlan When you’re really young, it’s because they’re the outside, and you can’t differentiate between a good outsider and a wounded gazelle slowing down the herd, so you attack them all. Then it’s because you feel bad about yourself, and then it’s because you think they’re inferior with their language rules and not getting laid every night like you. Of course, after 25, it’ll be their ballgame, but right up until then you have the upper, slightly challenged hand.
Heh. I spoke well and managed to get laid every night. Guess they’re not mutually exclusive! :D
It seems people like to harass you about spelling, capitalisation mistakes and punctuation when they can’t win you over in a heated debate. If someone wants to hurl insults at another person for something so stupid it usually means you didn’t capitulate to them.
@Paradox Indeed, I’ve noticed many folks who start to decline in a debate to point out irrelevant things, like spelling, and God forbid, I’ve even seen someone once insult their adversary’s avatar.
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