Social Question

janbb's avatar

If you could listen to any one classical piece of music for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Asked by janbb (63369points) October 21st, 2010

Follow-up to the one song question. For me, it’s a toss up between Vivaldi’s Four Seasons and Bach’s Brandenburg Concertos but I think I’ll go with the Bach. Your choice?

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27 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I was just introduced to these three composers a little while ago, and while the Four Seasons is my all time fav, these three are interesting if you can find them:Pachelbels, Mascogni, and Morricone. Hope I spelled them right.

SuperMouse's avatar

The Magic Flute by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

The Jupiter Symphony by Mozart

CMaz's avatar

Mozart – Serenade For Winds; K 361; 3rd Movement

DominicX's avatar

Mahler’s Symphony No. 2 in C minor, the “Resurrection” symphony. The symphony is 90 minutes long and has incredible diversity in instruments (including solo singers and chorus), sound, emotion, structure, yet somehow maintains a unifying theme. Love it.

ucme's avatar

Ravel’s Bolero. As the movie with Bo Derek said, it’s a perfect 10!

Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

Air on a G String by J.S. Bach
Beethoven’s 5th
It’s very hard for me to choose music
Or Vivaldi’s Four Seasons

diavolobella's avatar

Rachmaninov – Rhapsody On A Theme Of Paganini – 18th Variation
Pachelbel Canon in D Major

He’s not considered a “classical composer” per se, but I could listen endlessly to selections from several of John Barry’s motion picture soundtracks such as Dances with Wolves, Somewhere in Time and Out of Africa.

Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

Okay, since diavolobella said that, I could listen to Steve Jablonsky’s compositions from Transformers forever. Especially Optimus vs. Megatron

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I’m starting to think that I am the only person on the planet that doesn’t care for classical music. I hear it is supposed to be calming, but it makes me feel edgy and agitated most of the time.
I suppose I would choose any one of the songs from Петя и волк (Peter and the Wolf). And yes, I realise it is meant for children, but I like it.

Blueroses's avatar

Borodin’s “In the Steppes of Central Asia”

marinelife's avatar

I too would have to go with the Bach, @janbb.

flutherother's avatar

Like @Blueroses I love Borodin, especially Stranger in Paradise

Austinlad's avatar

Anything by Ralph Vaughan Williams.

Blueroses's avatar

@flutherother I was struggling in the choice between “Steppes” and “Prince Igor”. :-)

wundayatta's avatar

This is hard. I don’t necessarily want the piece I like the best because that might get on my nerves. So I think I’d prefer something long and complex, the Wagner’s Ring Cycle. I’m not into opera, so that would give me a challenge over the years.

Otherwise—Tchaikovski’s 4th or 5th and Beethoven’s 9th. These are fantastic, energy producing pieces that send shivers down my spine and make my nuts pull up. Plus, there are plenty of trumpet sections, and trumpet is my instrument precisely because it makes me feel… like God.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I adore Pachelbel’s Canon in D and have done since childhood. I also love Holst: The Planets, Bizet’s Carmen (all of it) and does the Love Theme from The Godfather count?

Blueroses's avatar

@Leanne1986 Hearing Canon in D always transports me to a certain meditative mindset.

marinelife's avatar

@wundayatta Whenever I hear this I always think whoever is playing it must be god.

flutherother's avatar

I am sure I will be criticised for choosing a piece of modern avant garde noise but I will never tire of listening to the music of Frank Zappa. Listen, if you dare to Black Napkins

Blondesjon's avatar

does baby elephant walk count?

chocolatechip's avatar

Define classical.

meiosis's avatar

Another vote for Pachelbel’s Canon in D Major

OpryLeigh's avatar

@Blueroses I know the feeling well.

wundayatta's avatar

@marinelife If you heard me playing it, I think you might not feel that way so much. We have a little amateur community that gets together every year around Xmas to do the Messiah. For a number of years now, I’ve been the only horn. The last time I tried, I died about 8 measures before the end. Just couldn’t get another sound out. I begged off the last couple of years because I didn’t need the pressure. Maybe I’ll be up for it this year. Yikes! 2 months! I better do some practicing!

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