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YARNLADY's avatar

Have you tried Samel Adams Chocolate Bock?

Asked by YARNLADY (46735points) October 21st, 2010

Did you like it? What do you think about flavored beers?

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9 Answers

deni's avatar

I haven’t tried that one. I probably wouldn’t like chocolate. I only like flavored beers when they’re subtle. I had a blueberry beer once that tasted like blueberry syrup and a little bit of wine. It was awful. I like citrusy ones of course. But not if its overpowering. It should just be a hint of something, not 70% of the flavor. Ya know.

WestRiverrat's avatar

I have not tried the Sam Adams Chocolate Bock, but I have tried other brands of chocolate beer and it hasn’t ever impressed me.

YARNLADY's avatar

I received some in a Samuel Adams sampler case, and I’m reluctant to try it.

meiosis's avatar

The one chocolate beer I had (Belgian, can’t remember the brand) was delicious, but wrong all the same. It was like drinking hot chocolate, only cold and slightly fizzy.

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Rarebear's avatar

I brewed a hazelnut chocolate stout once that was absolutely sensational. The chocolate in the beers is usually understated, and complements the deep roasted malts. Usually the chocolate stouts and bocks are not heavily hopped as they want to bring out the malt flavors. They can be sweet or dry, but I prefer the dry ones.

But in direct answer to the question, I haven’t had the SA version.

YARNLADY's avatar

@Rarebear thanks for the info, I feel better about trying it.

WestRiverrat's avatar

Odd thing is, there is chocolate in my Porter, and I like that. When it is not the primary focus the chocolate can be very complimentary to a brew. I just don’t care for the ones I have tried so far that feature chocolate on the label.

Rarebear's avatar

It’s important to know the distinction between “chocolate malt” and “chocolate”. Chocolate malt isn’t chocolate, but just malted barley that has been roasted to a chocolate color. The chocolate that is put in is usually a small amount of raw powdered 100% cocoa—it’s not like adding a Hershey’s bar to the brew.

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