General Question

When will my foot stop hurting?
In July I broke my foot stumbling off a curb. I walked on it for a week and two weeks after the actual incident I had surgery on it and metal plates and screws put in. It hurt like a bitch for a few days, then like just a little bitch for another few weeks. By the time I could walk on it (in the boot, then without the boot and just normal) it didn’t hurt at all for the most part. My range of motion with my ankle was a little shaky but otherwise it felt good.
Now, still, everytime I touch it, whether to put lotion on, or if I tap it off something, or if my cat steps on it, or anything, it hurts like a mother. My right foot is constantly dry because putting lotion on it is painful. Not to mention it gives me the heeby jeebies knowing that i’m touching screws in my foot. I don’t know why it grosses me out but it does. The point is, it hurts every day. Not bad, just like an ache that is only enough to be annoying.
I’ve never broken a bone before. Is this just part of the process, or at a point will it stop hurting all together? Also, I was dancing last weekend and someone stepped right on the exact spot. It’s been much worse since.
Also, if anyone has experience with plates and screws, I’d like to hear how that went. The doctor told me that with some people, they’re fine, and with others they rub on certain shoes and the plate eventually has to be taken out, which would strand me in the house for another month. So…trying to avoid that.

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