Have you ever placed a complaint with a business/restaurant and something actually came of it?
I’m wondering if my complaint toward a restaurant in my town will do any good. It’s a chain, but I believe in strongly-worded emails to big wigs. I’d want to know if I owned a business and something was unsatisfactory.
Any stories about your experience with this? Did things change? Did they even respond?
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6 Answers
It’s hard to tell you your best course of action without knowing the reason for your complaint. Talk to the waiter if there’s a problem with the food. Talk to the manager if there’s a problem with service or cleanliness, and do so before you leave the restaurant. Restaurants don’t want to lose customers, and they don’t want bad word-of-mouth. The manager will usually do everything possible to make you happy and correct the situation. Take it to the big-boys if the manager is incapable or unwilling to correct the situation. Then again, the restaurant will probably fail on it’s own if the management is bad.
Great advice from @GladysMensch (love that name). It’s always best to start by speaking to the manager or writing him a letter. Keep your complaint as factual and unemotional as you can, and stress that you and your friends are steady customers of the chain and are sure he wouldn’t want to lose your business.
Any complaint I’ve ever had in a restaurant has been resolved by speaking to the waiter or manager before I left. In fact I had cause to complain just this week – on Monday I went to an upmarket Italian restaurant and my pasta meal was inedible because of the excessive amount of olive oil it was smothered in. No fuss, they deducted the cost of the dish off the bill.
I have done this. I had a terrible experience at a restaurant once and wrote a letter to the corporate headquarters. They had the manager call me, he apologized profusely and they sent me a gift certificate for a free dinner. When I redeemed it, the manager came over and spoke to me personally. He thanked me for giving them a second try and I thanked him for being so responsive. I was a regular customer after that. The trick was, I complained but I wasn’t rude, vulgar or abusive. I kept it polite, but let them know what the problem was. It worked out very well.
My local grocery store was selling juice one month past the expiration date. Normally, I’m a freak about checking expiration dates, but I didn’t this time and it made me pretty sick for the day. I could have probably sued, but I chose to just complain to the manager and they found that most of this particular juice on the shelf was old. He gave me a $200 gift certificate.
I bitched one time to Lays potato chips that my chips were broken. They didn’t do shit though. XD
Thanks, y’all. I know HOW to complain (trust meeeee)....my question is if YOU’VE ever had any luck with it.
Ughhh…sorry about your expired juice mishap. So gross.
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