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bob_'s avatar

Is there a TV show, movie or book you would like, if it weren't for a "devastating" plot-hole?

Asked by bob_ (21945points) October 22nd, 2010

I think Medium would be an okay show if it weren’t for one huge plot-hole: THEY NEVER LISTEN TO THE DAMN WOMAN! I mean, sure it’d be okay if the first few times they didn’t believe in what she says, but after a few times, why, oh, why, don’t they think “hey, this chick has been right on the money EVERY SINGLE TIME, maybe we should do as she suggests this time?” ARGH!

Does this happen to you with other shows, movies or books?

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16 Answers

ucme's avatar

I’d like Star Trek if it wasn’t for the teeny weeny factoid that it’s piss poor! In my opinion of course.

cockswain's avatar

I’d probably watch “Lost” if I hadn’t heard the ending didn’t do a good job wrapping up a really elaborate plot.

weeveeship's avatar

Heroes. There is this superhero character, the Haitian, who could cancel out superpowers. The logical question would be then “Why didn’t the Haitian just cancel out the supervillains’ powers and let the other superheroes whoop some major behind?”

erichw1504's avatar

@weeveeship Of course! Along with the thousands of other plot holes that show created. Maybe it would have made it past 4 seasons if it weren’t for them.

seazen's avatar

Phasers on stun.

Brian1946's avatar

I really liked X Files.

I would have liked it a wee bit more if either Moldy or Skulldamage occasionally found the light switch for the numerous dark and creepy places where they usually went.
Either that or you’d think that occasionally they’d have to replace a flashlight battery.

That’s not quite the Olympus Mons caldera of plot holes, but that’s all I have for now.

GeorgeGee's avatar

Deus Ex Machina. Dr. House always has an 11th hour inspiration that saves the day. Ah, it’s Spiral Whatchamcallitosis, give her a shot of vitamin C and her legs will heal and she’ll walk again!
Time for a few of his patients to die.

SuperMouse's avatar

I am totally with @GeorgeGee on House. Seriously, has this guy ever saved a single patient without misdiagnosing him at least 12 different times? In real life how many times does a doctor get to screw up before they take him off the case?

I can’t say that I would have liked the movie it not for this, but I could not stand the gapping continuity hole in Ghost. Um yeah, the guy has to muster all of his strength to touch a coin but Dude can sit in a chair and stand on floor on one of the upper levels of a building? He can jump through the wall of a subway car and land on the floor of the one he jumps to?

cockswain's avatar

I would like to use this question as a platform to complain about Luke Skywalker. I don’t think whether he lived or died had any impact on the ultimate outcome of the Empire. He did blow up the first Death Star, but they just built another one. The second movie, he whined a lot, kissed his sister, got Han Solo frozen (the guy who really got shit done), and got his hand cut off by his father. In the last movie, he saved Han (who shouldn’t have been captured in the first place), and went to the Death Star only to whine more as the Emperor whipped his ass with lightning. Sure, Vader killed the Emperor, but Han Solo’s work on Endor, along with Lando blew the Death Star up.

Luke didn’t do shit.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@cockswain Vader wouldn’t have done that if Luke hadn’t played the son in pain.

filmfann's avatar

Also from Star Wars, I never bought the logic in Obi Wan’s argument that Luke’s father was betrayed and destroyed by Darth Vader. Horseshit. You lied, Ben.

weeveeship's avatar

@filmfann I think Luke’s later discovery that Darth was his father was more of a retcon than anything else.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

I think I could really get into a lot of comic books if it weren’t for how thin the disguises are. Batman’s is better, and he talks deeper (at least in the movies) but Superman and glasses? Let me tell you, when I switched from glasses to contacts, no one even said anything much less thought I was a different person. I end up spending so much time trying to figure out who knows what and thinking that smart characters are stupid because they can’t tell that it’s the same person that it really sucks all the fun out for me.

hobbitsubculture's avatar

Star Trek. The 2009 movie, that is. I don’t care if they eject the warp core, the Enterprise cannot bounce off a frickin’ black hole when they’re all of two yards away from it. Intro to Astronomy. Also, Kirk’s rise to Captain was completely stupid and illogical.

I had a lot of complaints about that movie, but I enjoyed the dialogue and acting. Overall, I could get past my other complaints, if it weren’t for the two big ones listed above.

Brian1946's avatar

This one isn’t much better than my first one, but there’s a slightly greater chance that I would have liked “Alexander” if his mother was portrayed by someone close to being old enough to actually be his mother.

I have yet to read or hear about a girl not quite a year old giving birth. :-0

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