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Is there room for better data collection (such as polls) on Fluther?

Asked by notdan (388points) October 23rd, 2010

I’ve noticed that most of the time what drives me away from answering an interesting question on Fluther is the number of other answers to the question. If a question has 50 answers, for example, I’m not very motivated to peruse through all 50 answers. Is there a better way to be informed of what’s being said in a question’s answer stream?

The example that comes to mind is for questions with a quantitative answer, including yes/no, like polls. Is there a way to quickly collect the results of a survey? Is there a way to present a survey? And I guess the more important question is: Is there room on Fluther for it? Do users want something like this? (I know I do, but damn I wish I could take a poll.)

Having a thousand answers to a question doesn’t do much unless there’s a way to make sense of all those answers. How do you do it?

(The other question is, is the Fluther team thinking about it already?)

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