(NSFW) Is it common to associate sex with food?
Asked by
augustlan (
October 23rd, 2010
@camertron and I were just talking about some of the iconic Fluther questions, and I showed him the pancakes thread. Which is hilarious… if you haven’t seen it, go now! Then come back. Pretty please. Seeing how “pancakes” has come to mean “sex/orgasm” on Fluther, he mentioned that he and some high school buddies had a similar inside joke using “sandwiches”. That reminded me that I had one, too… “baking a cake”. Another jelly’s code word is “cookies”. Why are they all food related? Is it just a coincidence, or is this a common occurrence? What are your code words? Share the origin of your word(s), too, if you like!
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31 Answers
I never knew that about the pancakes thing. I must go read that thread!
I’m back and now at last, it’s all clear to me!!!
The “sandwiches” joke comes from a Japanese anime series my friends and I used to watch back in high school called Trigun. At one point, two of the characters become romantically interested and the woman (Millie) invites the man (Wolfwood) to her house and serves him lunch. They converse for a little while in awkward, obviously translated sentences before Millie finally says, “Would you like to come upstairs for some sandwiches?” The next scene shows Wolfwood standing at the window in Millie’s bedroom. His shirt is off and she’s in the bed – obviously, they’ve just gotten it on!
There may not have been a direct correlation between the sex and the sandwiches Millie offered, but the juxtaposition of the spoken line and the next scene were too good to pass up. From that point on, any use of the word “sandwiches” was sure to get a laugh. Even “ice cream sandwiches” earned a black mark. On that particular day, KJ’s exasperation could be heard far and wide, “Laura! You’ve ruined something pure!”
Have you ever watched Tom Jones or The Cook, The Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover? Of course it is. Have you ever shared oysters or asparagus or artichokes suggestively with a lover? Of course it is.
What do you think Bessie Smith was singing about when she sang about her Jelly Roll?
Sex and food. Both were there from day 1.
How do think that bun gets in the oven? Immaculate conception?
@camertron HA! I used to joke about the same thing, trigun is the shit
I’m not sure, but I know when I eat something delicious, I always say, “My mouth is having an orgasm right now”
Then there’s always expressions like “makin’ bacon” or “get a little piece of that honey pie”
@anartist It’s been years, but I remember being rather… inspired. Sexy stuff!
I did the oysters thing with my then honey, like Tom and Molly in Tom Jones.
Want a piece of candy, little girl Augustlan?
The story behind baking a cake:
I was maybe 16 years old, and planning to host a little dinner party for some friends visiting from out of town. After school, my boyfriend and I mixed up the cake, tossed it in the oven, and promptly retired to the bedroom for some ‘afternoon delight’.
Unbeknownst to me, my mother decided she’d leave work early that day to help me out with the cooking. We never heard the front door or the oven timer through my closed bedroom door, and had no clue that the cake was burning to a crisp until we heard my mother start screaming for me from the kitchen. In my haste to get dressed, I missed several buttons on my shirt and pulled on my pants inside out! Knowing I was taking too long to ever explain what the hell we were doing in there, I gave up and wandered out in just my shirt and underwear. With no way for the boyfriend to escape my room, we were busted.
@augustlan Now as a memory, truly fun, funny, and almost heartwarming?
[Even though not then.]
Oh, I was mortified initially, but it was funny pretty quickly… In this particular case, my mother’s bad parenting played out in my favor. She was very understanding, and when my boyfriend decided he was never leaving my room, she actually went in and talked out of there. We just had a little chat about it, and went on with dinner preparations. Dinner was good, but we had no dessert!
Therer’s a chocolate bar in England called Fudge. The commercial sung it’s praises thus, “A finger of Fudge is just enough to give your kids a treat.” There were many girls went by the nickname Fudge. Sad but true.
Well, the origins are lost in the mists of time, but for a while my husband and I referred to having sex as “going to Tukwila,” which was a place.
I always say when in the produce section of my local supermarket, “shop for produce like a lonely woman” Which is great when picking out bananas, zukes, carrots, but loses it’s meaning when getting an artichoke or tomato.
They go hand in hand for me figuratively speaking. When I am aroused I think of food; when I am eating something divine, I think of sex. I haven’t really used code names though I’d say having a meal of cheesecake and french fries is as close as one can get to having a food orgasm. mmmmm.
My girlfriend and I use “making cookies”.
A close friend of mine from high school had her Instant Messenger set so that all swear words would change on her end of the screen. Whenever I typed “fuck” (not that I swore so often as a teen!) it changed to “water”. The word stuck in our vocabulary. We had to preface conversations with “water, water, or water?” – it was our little inside joke.
On a separate occasion, she said the word “snacks” but it sounded suspiciously like “sex” and I called her out on it. That one stuck too. About a week later, I was telling her about a meeting I had with fellow English majors in which ”[Male student] made sure everybody had snacks.” It took me a while to realize why she was laughing her head off.
Moving the furniture. “Sorry I didn’t answer your call, my husband and I were moving the furniture.” ;)
Has nothing to do with food, but, it works in so many ways.
I’m in my 40’s and I’ve never heard of this and for the life of me, I didn’t “get” the whole pancakes to do. What i do wonder now is if soulpancake.com has some sexual connotation I also missed entirely?
Mine was weather related—although only one of my partners and I ever had such a euphemism. Maybe it was because our relationship started in summer, we’d ask each other, “how’s the humidity,” and if the humidity was high, we were both very happy.
Brain cells that fire together, wire together.
End with end with Matt. I love that. haha
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