Meta Question

FutureMemory's avatar

Have you incorporated any "Fluther-isms" into your daily lexicon?

Asked by FutureMemory (24763points) October 23rd, 2010

Sometimes, when I explain something to someone in real life, I throw in a random now you know the truth at the end. Yes, I am a big dork. Have you been similarly tickled by something someone said here that you started using it in your daily life?

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6 Answers

jrpowell's avatar

“Keep fucking that chicken.”

free_fallin's avatar

“Climb a wall of dicks”

“Tim can fall into a hole”


Neizvestnaya's avatar

I catch myself saying lurve. Often I’ll hork the little sayings fluther gives us under our screen name and use them for our sales staff.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Pancakes. Also dick punching. I wouldnt call it a flutherism more a JPism :P

lillycoyote's avatar

I barely incorporate any fluther-isms into fluther, let alone my daily life.

Brian1946's avatar

I haven’t that I’ve noticed, but Woody Allen did in a scene with Diane Keaton in “Annie Hall”. ;-)

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