Social Question

flutherother's avatar

Halloween is getting close. Who in your opinion has the scariest avatar?

Asked by flutherother (35015points) October 23rd, 2010

There are a few avatars here I wouldn’t want to bump into when alone on a dark night, but which is the most frightening/disturbing.

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26 Answers

AmWiser's avatar

Just to name a few.

Trillian's avatar

Me. That foam is made out of soy milk! Eeeeeeeeeek!

TexasDude's avatar

Seek_Kohlinar had a pretty spooky one for a while.

Brian1946's avatar


How can you not be terrified of a vampire who lives in a metal coffin?

What could be more diabolically devious than one who has mesmerized his victims (the dudes in the background) into a state of mass apathy?!

Sarcasm's avatar

@Ben’s is pretty terrifying.

Blondesjon's avatar


terrifyingly cute

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Trillian's avatar

Ding! Time’s up. I have two votes to everyone else’s one. I win!

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar


I’m not sure. So many of us amped up our avatars for Halloween, I’ve lost track of what everyone has. Love them all, though.

I did a series of Halloween avatars on facebook for my friends.. some of those came out genuinely scary. I probably should have done one for myself beyond this one, which is kind of weak.. but I like it. :)

AmWiser's avatar

@TheOnlyNeffie I know what you mean, they’re all great. If I had known there was going to be contest I would have dressed for the occasion. I wonder if there will be a contest for the cutest avatar :-D

weeveeship's avatar

Mine: Galvatron!

I usually have an Optimus Prime avatar

Trillian's avatar

I think @symbeline has this one sewn up.

rooeytoo's avatar

Mine is not scary, she is beautiful and mysterious. Her eyes look so human in that mask!

I think ucme does.

ucme's avatar

How the hell is mine scary!?! I mean, I know too much cholesterol is bad for you, but still :¬)

rooeytoo's avatar

It’s those big yellow watery eyes and that frowny mouth, scares me completely!!!

(good one about the cholesterol!)

MissAusten's avatar

If you knew the kid in my avatar, you’d think it was scariest. Don’t let the cute chubby cheeks fool ya.

BoBo1946's avatar

Ucme is not scary….looks like a ghost with sclerosis of the liver!

Paradox has my vote!

ucme's avatar

@rooeytoo Yeah wasn’t bad was it? :¬)
@BoBo1946 Yeah I think it’s just a cute ickle blob! Only up there for a yolk :¬)

rooeytoo's avatar

(@ucme – 2 in a row, you are on a roll!)

ucme's avatar

@rooeytoo Well stop egging me on then :¬)

rooeytoo's avatar

(@ucme, hehehe, stop please, I am choking on my cereal!!!)

ucme's avatar

@rooeytoo I’ll have your brains scrambled before long…..these are the jokes folks :¬)

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