If you had to put your dog down, would you stay with them?
My family will soon have to make the tough decision to put our dog down. (She has terminal bladder cancer). When the time comes, I want to be with my dog because I feel like she would feel more comfortable than if we were to just drop her off at the vets and leave. I know the rest of my family doesn’t want to stay because they think it would be to hard to see but I think our dog would be more scared to be alone… like we abandoned her. What do you all think?
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40 Answers
I would stay. It would be very difficult, but I’d want to hold my cat(s) in my arms while it happened, if at all possible.
Yes, of course I would. I wouldn’t want my sweet little companion to die without me there. Luckily, I didn’t have to go through this because my sweet kitties both died at home, in my arms. But that is a decision everyone has to make for him or herself. I don’t think anyone can judge someone else’s choice in these things.
I always stay. I have stayed with other people’s animals when they didn’t have the guts to. I hold their paw until they are gone. Make sure the vet tranquilizes the dog before he euthanizes it. Sometimes they can have a bad and unpleasant to see reaction to the drug but if they are tranqued first, it virtually eliminates the possibility. It is quick and easy. I usually get the vet to come to my home especially if the animal is one that gets fearful in the vet’s office. Most will do that but it costs.
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My husband and I stayed with my dog, Asha. We had the same vet her entire life, and the vet handled it very well. She explained to us that the injection would make Asha very sleepy, and when she fell asleep on the floor under my chair, it was all over.
I would stay. I wouldn’t want my dog to die scared and surrounded by strangers.
Without a shadow of a doubt I would (and have) stay.
I have always stayed with my dogs and cats that have had to be euthanized. I owe them that for all the love and devotion they have shown over their life-spans. They have been like family members, and I would never leave them to face death alone anymore than I would allow one of my children to face it alone.
I would stay with your dog.
I always stay. I find a small comfort being with my pets when they finally achieve some peace. So sorry for you, it never is easy.
I’ve had to put down two dogs. The first time, the animal hospital took him away from me and said everything would be ok. I didn’t think to ask if I could go in with him. They said it went smoothly, but I felt awful afterwards.
So when I had to put down the second one (two years later, different animal hospital), I stayed with her.
Although it will be emotionally difficult for you to stay with your dog, I would try to put those emotions aside and think only of her, and hold her and be with her when the time comes.
I am sure she will know you are giving her one last piece of your love.
Good luck, I know it won’t be easy, but I am sure our animals know when we care :))
Did both times and buried them both. You can get through it. Sorry about your puppy!
In the wild when a dog is sick or injured, the pack abandons them. It is a great fear that dogs have.
I always stay. It is the thing to do. They have been by your side their whole lives.
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I’ve always stayed. Once I was even allowed to push the plunger. I’d never lived a day of my life without my cat (my family got her two years before I was born) and I couldn’t let anyone else kill her.
I remember once on PostSecret there was a postcard from someone who worked at a vet’s office that said something like “Always stay. They look for you if you leave the room.” :(
I’ve had to stay for two pets, and I’m glad I did. It was difficult, but I can’t imagine not having been there for their last moments. If the time comes again with any of our current pets, I would do it again.
yes it’s important to be there.
Yes. As hard as it is. You owe it to them.
I would stay and probably sob like a baby.
Stay. If you don’t, you’ll regret it. My parents had to put my cat to sleep last year, the cat I had for 14 years since I was in first grade. My dad stayed in the room with him, but I hate that I couldn’t have been there to be the last thing he saw. Everyone knows that cat loved me best, he slept in my bed every night with me up until I left for college.
I stayed with the only dog I’ve had to put down. Right now I’m living with a 17 year old cat and a 15 year old dog, so I imagine I will be facing this relatively soon, although they’re both still healthy and active for their age. I can’t imagine the household without them.
I didn’t stay for our dog – stayed home with the kids. But decided I had to be there. I arrived just after she died. I went in and patted her for a while. If you are having mixed feelings, you probably should be with her. Your dog won’t suffer when it happens. She won’t realized what is happening. It really is quite peaceful. So sorry this is happening to you.
I did stay and it was lovely, sad and very meaningful to be there. It was lovely to see how little Prince suffered in his death and of course, overpoweringly sad to see him go. I made the right choice for me.
Yes. We have had to let several cats go over the years. We stay with them, hold them, comfort them, stroke them, and speak to them gently while they go still and their eyes dim. We cry. It’s so hard. But we couldn’t possibly abandon them at that moment, after everything.
(Oy – just reread my post. I did not mean to say “little Prince” suffered in his death!)
I could not do it. I just could not watch him die. I admire of those who can.
It’s not easy, but just imagine yourself dying alone or in the company of total strangers.
I’d stay. I’ve seen pets put down and it’s soooo fast from the time they prick with the needle and when the animal goes limp, think less than 10 seconds.
GOOD FOR YOU, @Evelyn_475 ! She should not have to face death alone. Without her loving family near. That is part of being family. I feel sad that your family does not see it that way.
I continue who grieve for my baby boy cat who died alone from poison without me to hold him.
I worked at a vet office and have been present when dogs have been put to sleep. However, when my black lab had to be put down after years of seizures, I couldn’t do it. Each person has to do what they are comfortable doing.
I have been through that with a cat and my wife with our dog. Remember they are our friends and in a sense our children. Our presence calms and comforts them. It is very sad and I was surprised that I would tear up for a cat. I expected to be a big mucho guy and just stay to comfort an animal. Instead, I held her and though about the joy she brought to the family and even forgave her for the mouse pieces she would leave under my desk. She was warm and comfortable until she stopped breathing. I was grateful to the vet for the time he let us stay together. I hope that when my time comes I could have a kindly doctor give me an injection to end my pain and fall asleep with my friends and family around.
I think there only one answer. You should be there
The dog DOES NOT KNOW that it is about to be killed. If you are there, the dog will figure it is just another day at the vet. If you are not there, the dog will be uneasy.
I stayed with two dogs and held their heads as they passed. It was very tough and it is almost like losing a child. I know I have lost children. They have started making a paw print in some plaster for those that want it so I had one made the last time. I am grateful for their lives and the happiness they brought into mine.
Yes, definitely.
I don’t think i could handle the fact that my dog would be there alone in his last few moments…
There’s no question about it, i’d stay. Yes, it’s terrible and very hard and excruciatingly sad and heartbreaking and all those things, but i don’t understand how someone can just dump their beloved pets at a vet or spca and have them put down all alone. How cruel. I know of someone who had that done – they had the spca come and collect the dog to have it put down elsewhere. Pets are usually under stress when they are taken to an unfamiliar place, so why make them more worried by sending them off alone? I took my kitty to the vet on that awful day, and i had the vet come to my car to do the deed, while i was holding her on my lap. I didn’t want to take her into the vet, because there are never any fond memories for pets at the vet, plus the last time she was there a few months before, i had to leave her there for a few days because she had kidney trouble and they had to keep her on a drip. I’ll never forget her little face every time i came to visit her while there, looking at me while i’m leaving and leaving her behind, it was heartbreaking. :( So i don’t want their last minutes to be in a place that they are afraid of. If i could, i’d in future go to the trouble of asking the vet to come to my house and do it, even if i had to pay more.
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It is so very hard to do. I have had to put two dogs down that I cried my eyes out each time and I held their head while they passed…
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