Which five historic people would you invite to your pool party?
Lets assume BBQ and beer will be served.
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28 Answers
Joan of Arc, Florence Nightingale, Foucault, Jim Morrison and Hegel.
Nice @Simone De Beauvoir, though I see Jim Morrison hitting on Joan of Arc and having them disappear into the bushes.
Esther Williams, Albert Einstein, Jane Austen, Benjamin Franklin and Cassanova.
Thomas Jefferson,George E.Orr,Annie Oakley.Jesus,and Errol Flynn.
Michael Phelps, Mark Spitz, and Alexander Vladimirov Popov…all Olympic swimming medal award winners just for a bit of competitive entertainment. Rosanne Barr and Joan Rivers because they would be hilariously overly critical and would not be considered competition for my SO’s visual attention.
Burt Lancaster, Chuck Yeager, Helen Keller, George Patton and Sam Adams with a wagon of his beer!
Thomas Jefferson, Haile Selassie, Issac Newton, Susan B. Anthony, Abigail Adams
Sam Kinnason, Amelia Earhart, Karl Rove, Ulysses S. Grant, and Pele.
Annie Oakley, Klondike Kate, John Coulter, Calamity Jane, Wild Bill Hickock
Jane Austen, Marion (“Clover”) Hooper Adams, Frederic Thompson, Theodore Roosevelt, John Muir
Molly Brown (rags to riches via gold mine, and Titanic survivor)
John Lennon (poverty to rock Superstar)
Mahatma Gandhi (poverty to, well, poverty, but also spiritial leader and pacifist)
Groucho Marx (poverty to legendary comic)
Charles Chaplin (extreme poverty to riches)
Chaplin met both Groucho and Gandhi. I would have loved to hear their discussions.
Pool party? Rita Hayworth and four people who will leave us alone.
Jesus, or whomever the historical figure was that is that people call Jesus
Mohammed, if for no other reason that he could meet Jesus
John Lennon
Thomas Jefferson
Martin Luther
Greg Louganis for 1 meter board entertainment.
The Jimi Hendrix Experience for poolside tunes.
Sacagawea: she was an amazing Shoshone woman who I think rescued one of the Lewis & Clark expedition members from drowning.
She deserved to live a lot longer than she did.
Also, I think Jimi would have dug her.
@Brian1946 You know the quip. “Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did – backwards and in high heels.”?
Sacagawea did everything Lewis and Clarke did. Plus she was either pregnant or carrying a baby. Amazing woman.
Friedrich Nietzsche, Lou Salome, Albert Einstein, Leonardo Da Vinci, and Cleopatra
Jesus, Moses, Sun Tzu, Gandhi, Confucius
Adolph Hitler
Mohandas Ghandi
Anwar Sadat
Malcolm X
Mikhail Gorbachev
Since his name is so frequently used at pool parties, perhaps one someone should invite the poor guy. ;-)
Maybe I could cancel Mitch Mitchell’s invitation and let Marco try the drums.
@janbb: At my pool party though, everyone would jump in and then tread water as long as they could until exhaustion and then buddy up to keep afloat. Teamwork!
Mahatma Gandhi, Winston Churchill, Thomas Jefferson, Voltaire and Mark Twain.
Alexander the Great, Toulouse Lautrec, Oscar Wilde, Cleopatra and William Shakespeare. ( I hope someone brings Absinthe)
I wanna see George Washington get his hair wet lolol
King Henry the 8th, Anne Boleyn, Catherine Howard, Marie Antionette, and Jesus.
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