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chyna's avatar

Supermouse hit 20K! Who wants to party?

Asked by chyna (51711points) October 24th, 2010

Woo Hoo, my bestest buddy on Fluther has arrived to the 20K mansion. Congrats sista! Much Lurve.

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54 Answers

jonsblond's avatar

Congrats to the sweetest Mouse in the house. I love ya! :D

JilltheTooth's avatar

Yahoo, Supermouse! Maybe you’ll find your keys in the castle…
Stuart Little Rules!

Likeradar's avatar

Congratulations Supermouse!!!

janbb's avatar

(This is a first for me – I read it on FB!)

Congratulations darling @SuperMouse!

You are a wonderful mother, lover, political thinker, student and all around great rodent. One of the sweet, sweet people who make Fluther such a great place to hang out.

Keep up with all the great stuff. Mazel tov to you!

weeveeship's avatar

Yeah, Supermouse! Let’s part-ay!

Jude's avatar

She’s a cool, down-to-earth kinda jelly, folks and a favorite of mine.

Congrats, Mousie!!!!!!!!!!!

AmWiser's avatar


Gamrz360's avatar

Congrats! great job Supermouse!

Seaofclouds's avatar

Congratulations Supermouse!

FutureMemory's avatar

Way to go Supermouse!

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

Woot! Congrats to a fantastic jelly! :)

cookieman's avatar

Big Cheese
Big Ears
Big Heart
Must be the mouse.

Congratulations @SuperMouse!!!

OreetCocker's avatar


shpadoinkle_sue's avatar

Whoo! Congrats, Supermouse!

Cruiser's avatar

Congrats on the 20 grand!! Nice job!!

shego's avatar

Congrats!!!!! 20k!!!! Hooray!!

augustlan's avatar

Congratulations, mouse! You’re a great jelly and a fabulous human being. Every point is well deserved. GO MOD!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

You are indeed a super mouse, Supermouse! Congratulations! Ho’omaikai!

Your_Majesty's avatar

Congrats Supermouse! I believe we can share some cheese later.

ucme's avatar

Is it a bird?.......Is it a plane!?!......Why no, it’s Mighty Mouse…...oops, trust me to balls it up! Of course it’s Supermouse!!! CONGRATULATIONS!! :¬)

Blondesjon's avatar

To my most favoritest jelly and the mod with the coolest avatar ever, congratulations. Stay up on that soapbox and preach it mousey. We love ya!

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Congratulations on reaching 20k!

Cupcake's avatar

You were one of the first to welcome me here… and your friendship with @fireside was one of the reasons for me joining.

Congrats @supermouse!! You’re the best!

kevbo's avatar

Congratulations, Supermouse! We are lucky to have such a lovely jelly as you.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Hey, that’s Super news! Congrats!

wilma's avatar

Way to go.

erichw1504's avatar

Awesome job @SuperMouse!!! Keep on keepin’ on!

SuperMouse's avatar

Thanks everybody! It is great to be here at the coolest party on the block (Augustlan’s is a mile or so down the road). I am lucky to have such a fabulous Fluther family of jellies!

Special shout out to @chyna for hosting this awesome shindig! I love you sister!

MissAusten's avatar

@SuperMouse Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

marinelife's avatar

Congratulations, @SuperMouse! You are well-deserving of this honor. Your answers are always thoughtful and you are a true blue mouse! Super, indeed.

Austinlad's avatar

A mouse in the mansion… yikes! We’ll have to watch where we step.

Congrats, @SuperMouse. You’ll like the company.

9doomedtodie's avatar

Hey, Heartily Congratulations to our Super duper mouse.. :)

erichw1504's avatar

Congratulations @SuperMouse!!!
Congratulations @SuperMouse!!!

Aster's avatar

@@@@@Congratulations Supermouse!!@@@@@

Coloma's avatar

Wow….you have navigated the maze and now the big cheese is all yours!
Cheers to a bright mouse!

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

This calls for a round of champagne and chocolate mousse! Congratulations SuperMouse!

Bluefreedom's avatar

Congratulations and welcome to the mansion! Nice work!

Trillian's avatar

Congratulations! You have some great answers!

fireside's avatar

It couldn’t have happened to a better rodent! : )

mangeons's avatar

Late to the party, as always! tsk tsk, shame on me~

Congratulations, @SuperMouse, you’ve been a long time favorite jelly of mine, I thoroughly enjoy reading what you have to say. Congrats on a job well done! :D

filmfann's avatar

Sorry I’m late!!!! Congrats to my favorite rodent flavored jelly!

ubersiren's avatar

To a darling jellyfishmouse with beautiful eyes, congratulations and may your lurve continue to grow!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Congratulations on 20K! :)

tranquilsea's avatar

Congratulations on 20k. Here’s to another 20 :-)

Dog's avatar

AWESOME!!! I am so late to a LOT of parties!

Mouse you are awesome! Not only as a Flutherite but as a fellow Mod-type!

We will miss you in the mansion!

forestGeek's avatar

Awesome, very well done! Congrats and cheers to you SuperMouse!!!

seazen's avatar

Oh, she’s a supernouse alrighty. Congo rats!

MissAnthrope's avatar

A hearty congrats to a superb jelly! Super Mod fist-bump!

YARNLADY's avatar

* * * Y * A * Y * * * CONGRATULATIONS ! ! ! GOOD WORK ! ! ! * * * Y * A * Y * * *

Here he comes to save the day.

mattbrowne's avatar

Affengeil, astrein, atemberaubend, ausgezeichnet, außergewöhnlich, beachtlich, beeindruckend, bestens, bezaubernd, blendent, brilliant, cool, echt super, einwandfrei, entzückend, erstklassig, exquisit, extrem stark, exzellent, fabelhaft, fantastisch, fesselnd, fulminant, genial, gigantisch, grandios, großartig, göttlich, hammer stark, hervorragend, hinreißend, hip, klasse, knorke, krass, perfekt, prima, sagenhaft, saustark, sensationell, spitze, toll, top, traumhaft, unglaublich, verdammt gut, vortrefflich, vorzüglich, weltklasse, wow, wunderbar, wundervoll.


tinyfaery's avatar

Another one of my peeps moving up. Congrats! In my opinion you should have 40K by now.

PoppingBoner's avatar

SUPERMOUSE! You are the coolest! :-)

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