General Question

Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

What's a good home school schedule?

Asked by Aesthetic_Mess (7904points) October 25th, 2010

to finish really early?
I have six classes, and I do them like I would a regular school day. I was trying to think of a schedule that would allow me to finish faster.
One of the options I came up with was to do three classes one day, for the same amount of time as a regular school day, and then the next three the next day for the same amount of time.
Or if I continue doing what I do now, which is do a little of the six every day, would that help me to go through it faster?

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4 Answers

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Dutchess_III's avatar

Honestly, if you put in a full 6 hours a day, like they do in school, you’ll be ahead of the game from the git go, because you won’t have time wasters plugged in like changing classes, going to assembly, home room, pud classes, etc.

YARNLADY's avatar

My home schoolers always liked sleeping in late, then do one hour, which earned them one hour of free time, and alternating like that until the assignments were complete.

tranquilsea's avatar

You have to be careful you don’t burn yourself out. When you are learning this way you take in much more information than if you were sitting in a classroom. You need to make sure you are taking in the information in an efficient way. I find that my kids are good for two hours in the morning and two in the afternoon with a good break in the middle. Anything beyond that and they aren’t learning anything.

We are tackling two core subjects at a time. They are about ⅓ of their way through high school math and ½ way through chemistry. Once chemistry are done we’ll tackle biology. We go like hell for a month and then we take a week off as they need time to think about what we’ve learned and decompress.

We sprinkle history, English and French into the gaps.

What grade are you in? What courses are you taking right now? How often do you need to report to your district?

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