What toys did you have from a movie or TV show when you were a kid?
Asked by
ucme (
October 25th, 2010
Wow I had tons. From my Evel Knievel bike to my Batman suits…..yes I had more than one. Which can you remember having & what happened to them? Consigned to the dustbin of history, sold, given away. Or do you still have any secretly stashed away somewhere?
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54 Answers
A Red Ryder BB Gun with a compass in the stock. i could not believe my parents let me have one for Christmas. i was eight years old and NO, i did not shoot my eye out.
I just had barbies and dirt.I played in the dirt.
I had a slew of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles action figures! Wish I still had them though, they’d be a great piece of nostalgia.
I didn’t get many tv/movie based toys, but I did have “Raiders of the Lost Ark” for the Atari 2600, which was fucking impossible to solve without a full blown walkthrough.
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I had a lot of the Star Wars stuff when I was nine or ten but before that I had Action Man stuff & Tonka toys! Not sure they were on the TV except in adverts…….. :-/
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I still have Pokey. I keep him in my bedroom. I used to have Gumby, but Pokey kicked Gumby’s ass and he is now nowhere to be found.
I had a Dennis the Menace figure.
Sadly, none. Most of mine were hand-me-downs. The closest would be Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls, although the original was a doll and the movie came later.
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I cherished my Johny Quest Magic ring until my brother got so mad at me dressing him up as Hadji all the time he flushed it on me.
Gumby, Pokey and Dumbo.
I don’t have any of them. One of the only sad parts of being one of many siblings.
Just a way cool penny bank. Penny goes in slot. Lid lifts up, and a hand snatches it and goes back in, lid shuts. “Thank you, Thing!”
Teenage mutant ninja turtle action figures, spiderman, micheal jordan in his space jam uniform, some muppet action figures, and now i’m blanking.
But we had quite a few. From McDonalds happy meal or yard sales or this one aunt who’d buy them from Goodwill.
I still have spiderman and Micheal Jordan :)
Star Wars (not the original run of action figures, sadly), Power Rangers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Batman, Spider-Man, the occasional odd X-Men figurine (I say “odd” because my siblings and I weren’t really into X-Men as kids), a few Gumby toys (including a version of the Pokey @jonsblond posted, though mine was in miniature), Smurfs, tons of MacDonald happy meal toys (such as Muppet Babies, Fraggle Rock, and the Potato Head Kids), a Sesame Street playset, um… I just noticed how long my list is growing.
I had a ton of toys.
They were, for the most part, secondhand.
…and I still have a good portion of them. Maybe I’ll post pictures when I get home.
@noelleptc I hope he’s living the good life with you. :D
@Trillian I had the same bank as a kid and loved it. Wish I still had it too as a broken one can go for $100.00
Hopalong Cassidy—- Holster and Toy Cap Guns. Mom bought at a William Boyd appearance. Think it was at Bullock’s…..
Wish I had them now.
I collected the good guys, my brother collected the bad guys. Between us we had maybe 100 star wars figures, couple dozen Transformers and a metric ton of Go-Bots…
Of course, the Transformers started as toys and then became a TV Show and a few movies, but I think that still counts.
Most of my toys were not from movies.
Most came from life. I had Planes, trucks, guns and GI-Joe.
There was a time where toys were famous because of the commercial that was run for it. The commercial being the TV show.
Not a thing. We had 3 channels. LOL !! No , I actually had one wonderful set of stuff from Winky Dink (too tired to explain it). PM me for further information . LOL!
@Aster – I had Winky Dink. Talk about interactive.
Our VR was drawing on the TV screen or melting things in the oven. LOL
Gumby and Pokey, some 101 Dalmations bendy figurines, a stuffed animal Meeko from Pocahontas, Esmeralda’s pet gypsy goat from the Hunchback of Notre Dame, a Timon and Pumba stuffed animal set (it was huge to me when I was a kid), a Fivel stuffed animal (again huge in my memory), oh, and my first toy ever was a Lamb Chop puppet that my dad bought for me when I was born. Sadly, my mom accidentally put it into the “Goodwill” bag instead of into the “save” bag one spring cleaning. She still feels really guilty about it even though I don’t even remember the thing. Ooh, I had a Baywatch Barbie too that my dog bit the head and hands off of. He even attacked the poor dolphin.
In the 1960’s I had a beautiful Mary Poppins doll. It was about the size of a barbie, but it looked just like Julie Andrews and had her dress and coat and a carpet bag. I loved that doll. I’m sure it got donated or given away when we moved from that house. It’s too bad, because Disneyana is quite collectible these days, especially from that era and older.
Ah, I just thought of two. A Debbie Reynolds magic paper doll that belonged to a sister and thimble-sized plastic Disney characters that were obtained by saving up and shipping off Jell-O box tops. Poor Bambi…his leg broke.
Okay, i’m guessing Gumby & Pokey were stars on american TV. Because i’ve never heard of em! Although by the looks of Pokey, he seems quite the deranged ickle pony XD
@jonsblond Awww, I watched every second. I’m not sure what that says about me, but there you go. Early claymation I see, nice. One question though, what the hell was Gumby supposed to be!?!
@ucme hahaha…. I have no idea.
I had a number of toys from TV shows, but what stands out right now, was my beloved Smurf village. The tiny village complete with the mushroom cottage, the figurines – all the smurf family, clever Smurf, clumsy Smurf, bimbo Smurfette with those to die for stilleto shoes, Gift-Giver Smurf, Accident Prone Smurf, Sad Smurf, Smiley Smurf…..... the list is endless.
I don’t know how such a simple little plastic collections could have brought such joy. Years later, I still have them lying somewhere all packed up. Those were the days! Thanks for the question that helped bring back those sweet memories!
James Bond Aston Martin DB6 with ejector seat, etc.
James Bond Lotus Esprit with submarine features, rocket launcher
Batman car (1960’s version)
Star Trek Scotty & Spock
Steve Austin (The Bionic / 6 Million Dollar Man)
Space 1999 Eagle (10” metal model – Corgi)
Space 1999 Eagle (3’ plastic version with crew, gear, etc – still have this)
Battlestar Gallactica (1970s) Cylon fighter
UFO white security car with radioactive shipping container
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea submarine model
Millennium Falcon model, metal, small
Probably other stuff I’m not remembering right now.
@ChazMaz You did? Wow! I think mine “disappeared” after I drew on the tv screen. )=:
I still have my Gumby.
I had Sleeping Beauty Paper dolls.
I think I may have had some Colorforms from Mickey mouse? I’mnot sure about those…
I had a Woody Woodpecker door knocker that I got from cereal box tops.
Gizmo from gremlins (I still have it)
E.T. plush (I still have that too)
Alf plush (don’t have that)
Nightmare Before Christmas action figures and dolls (still have it and wanting to sell them, originals in the box)
Star wars action figures and deathstar ! (still have them too)
Land before time Littlefoot plush (don’t have)
Little Mermaid doll (don’t have)
Care bears (don’t have)
I had lots of Disney toys from the Disney Store (don’t have)
hell, I’m 28 years old and I have a Tinker Bell TV in my office. It did say “Contains magical features ” on the box.
Transformers, G.I. Joe, TMNT, Dragon Ball, Saint Seiya ( my favorite toys ), Star Wars, Robocop, Mask ( Not Jim Carrey’s but a cartoon of the same name, that the vehicle transformed like the bad guys from a helicopter to a jet ), little Mexican wrestlers!
I don’t remember actual toys from a TV show, but I do remember my Mickey Mouse curtains and sheets.
“Julia” black Barbie doll based on the character from the TV show Julia.
Cher doll.
@Deja_vu Tinkerbell TV! Fantastic, I mean what else can I say? :¬)
@ucme Yep, this one. If you press a wrong button on the magic remote wand a Mickey hand pops up, like oh no you didn’t. It’s too funny.
@Deja_vu Yeah, he grew out of that phase. Can’t imagine him playing on Xbox live on that TV! Street cred & all that :¬)
@ucme Well, the first movie I watched on my little Tinkerbell TV was Pulp Fiction ;)
@Deja_vu Mother fucker! I hope you turned the volume down. Poor ickle Tink XD
@ucme I know lol. Earlier I was watching some ABFAB DVD’s.
Toy story, I had a buzz light year and Woody toys that I dragged around with me everywhere!
I was a kid long before they tied shows to merchandise. I did have a pair of Micky Mouse ears from the Mickey Mouse Club. I think my sister had a Howdy-Doody doll.
I had a toy stuffed royal guard soldier like the one in the movie “What’s Up Doc?” with Barbara Streisand and Ryan O’Neal. The toy soldier appears in the scene where Barbra’s character bumps into Ryan’s character in the airport souvenir shop. It’s a fleeting scene, but you can see him in the background. He’s got a red tunic, black beefeater hat, blue corduroy pants, and blue button eyes. I named him “Tommy”.
Absolutely everything Holly Hobby.
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