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cobalttinor's avatar

What Is Your Purpose Of Life?

Asked by cobalttinor (47points) October 25th, 2010

What makes you wake up everyday?
Why do you go through the suffering and the pain?
What do you feel is the reason for life?
What is so great about your life that it overrides the negative?

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19 Answers

CaptainHarley's avatar

To love God with all my spirit, soul and strength, and to love my neighbor at least as much as I love myself. To protect and husband my wife. To protect and cherish my children and grandchildren. And to nurture and protect, as best I can, all which lives.

Jude's avatar

Right now, I do it because people need me.

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wundayatta's avatar

The opportunity to become worm food some day. Preferably a day that is a looooong way off.

Scarlett's avatar

To find Balanca and do the best I can

YARNLADY's avatar

None what-so-ever. I don’t believe there is any such thing.

jrpowell's avatar

What makes you wake up everyday? My cat
Why do you go through the suffering and the pain? My cat
What do you feel is the reason for life? My cat
What is so great about your life that it overrides the negative? My cat

muppetish's avatar

There’s a quote near the end of La Vie en Rose that demonstrates my answer to the questions:

“American journalist: If you were to give advice to a [person], what would it be?
Edith Piaf: Love.
American journalist: To a young [person]?
Edith Piaf: Love.
American journalist: To a child?
Edith Piaf: Love.”

Or more simply, as the Beatles put it, “all you need is love.”

CaptainHarley's avatar


Knowing you just a bit, I find that difficult to believe.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I believe the purpose of my life is to learn how to help.

BarnacleBill's avatar

After this question, it’s going to become watching Judge Judy reruns on YouTube.

truecomedian's avatar

My reason in life used to be known to me, not so sure now. Maybe most people know what it is they should be doing, and they do it. That’s why there are so many successful people. To follow you gut and your inner voice. I’m schizo so I got to watch the voices.
Some people have more of a purpose, some are able to do more, some get way hung up and can’t do nothing. I guess that’s like reincarnation, I dont know if I believe in past lives. But I do like to help people, I’ll find my groove.

ducky_dnl's avatar

What makes you wake up everyday? My body.
Why do you go through the suffering and the pain? Because I hope for better..
What do you feel is the reason for life? Nothing.
What is so great about your life that it overrides the negative? Nothing at all.

cak's avatar

According to my daughter (today), my purpose is to make her life a living Hell. (I’m paraphrasing. I don’t speak high pitched teenaged girl). According to my son, my purpose is to make another loaf of pumpkin bread and to cuddle and read with him later. My husband suggests that it’s to keep him from finding a ledge and jumping…he’s having a bad week.

As far as what I think my purpose is, somewhere a mix of all of that because that is normal and I like normal.

cobalttinor's avatar

@cak I would say that sounds more like what you do on a daily basis as opposed to a purpose. I think of purpose more like, what you are made for.

cak's avatar

@cobalttinor – If you knew my background a little more, you might understand. I’ve been through Hell and back, medically. Normalcy and being there for my family. Right now, it’s my purpose.

But I completely see your point! Oh, and welcome to Fluther!

truecomedian's avatar

My purpose in life is to simply live the best that I can and to do good deeds, inspire, and transform. How you live in this life is not meaningless, like some profess, how could it be, it’s a scarey thought because it forces one to confront themselves. It is one thing to intend to do good, it’s entirely another thing to actually know how much good you’re doing. My flaw, my folly, my naieve mistake is basing so much on doing good or evil. Fuck that, what’s the point of doing good when it’s so much cooler to be rich and famous.

cobalttinor's avatar

Thanks for all your input and opinions

mattbrowne's avatar

Finding my purpose of life.

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