Would Judge Judy make a good President?
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No don’t think so. I would want my Prime Minister to have a little compassion which she seems to lack. Although most of the people who stand in front of her are tad on the vacuous side.
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Hehehehe! Can you see her lacing into world leaders who have pissed her off? “Why are you letting yur people starve Mr. Il?” “Well Judy, I would hav…” “WOULD-A! COULD-A! SHOULD-A! Go sit down over there and don’t say anything else until I tell you to! Now, where’s that guy from Iran, what’s his name Byrd?”
Oh yeah, she has my vote too!
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I don’t know her, but I’m sure I’d feel the same about her as I did about the last actor who ended up prancing around the Oval Office.
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@wundayatta I’m positive that Judge Judy has never “pranced” in her life. And she is not an actor, she just plays one on tv.
I’m sorry you can’t have a little fun with this question.
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Yes, but only if she could avoid phrases like “I don’t give a rat’s behind about that!”, “You’re as dumb as a bucket of rocks!”, “Are you trying to talk over me? It won’t happen, this is MY play-pen!”, “Fool!”, and “On my worst day, you will never be smart as me!”. Yes, she’s intelligent and a great talker, but she flies off the handle just a little too much, which makes me wonder about her capacity for sensitivity. You need to be not only smart, but fair and compassionate, and I sometimes think she lacks the right kind of “heart” to be a country leader. You need to have a good heart to listen to the people, and sometimes she neglects her own advice of “put on your listening ears!!” when it comes to the people who appear before her.
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The woman doesn’t have an ounce of diplomacy in her body. Maybe it isn’t needed for her current position, but in politics, you do have to avoid verbally abusing others if you want their help. May God help us all if that vile creature becomes president…
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@noelleptc First, there is no such thing as “needed abuse”. That’s like saying that it’s bad to burn your kid with a lit cigarette – unless they’ve smoked some dope, then burn those fuckers! Second, she’s on TV, making shitloads of money, and ratings depend on how cruel she is. We can quibble over the difference between fun and money, but either way she’s not doing it out of the goodness of her heart.
“That’s like saying that it’s bad to burn your kid with a lit cigarette – unless they’ve smoked some dope, then burn those fuckers”
Nope. Not even close to calling a person out for telling lies in court.
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@noelleptc Yes. And I stand by every word. You can call someone out on their crap without being verbally abusive. That isn’t what she does.
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What a great idea. Who shall contact her about this?
I think she’s a bigger bitch than Hillary, so, yes, she would make a great president.
fyi- I had high hopes for Hillary
Did anyone notice the topic tags? The last one is hysterical!
I don’t know if she’d be a good President, but if she were, it wouldn’t be long before there wasn’t single smirk left on a single face anywhere in America.
I can’t stand her. She has a loud mouth and lacks compassion. I doubt that she is half of what she pretends to be aside from an egotistical, proud, loud, bitch. I’d rather vote for Palin and before I do that I’d rather rip out my own eyes.
@Pied_Pfeffer That is funny. No, I hadn’t noticed it. I need to go pee now….
@Pied_Pfeffer “Don’t pee on my leg and tell me it’s raining” is a Judge Judyism. She has a number of phrases she tends to use a lot as @MRSHINYSHOES pointed out. I’ve heard a number of variations of it over the years but that’s the one she uses.
Here is an interview with Judge Judy that shows a more realistic side of her.
@lillycoyote Thanks! I figured that was the case.
She’s never abusive, I don’t think, but she does seem to be crankier some days more than others, and she will definitely give a good reaming to anyone who deserves a good reaming; she’s a straight talker. There are just certain things she just doesn’t have a lot of patience with and those things include lying, bullshit, willful stupidity, taking advantage of someone else, people who allow themselves to be taken advantage of and be doormats long after they should have learned their lesson, parents who make excuses for and fail to provide proper guidance for their children, people who abuse the legal system for their own gain or use the courts to aggravate and harass former spouses and SOs, particularly when it involves parents using their children as pawns in a battle with their exes, people who abuse welfare and other taxpayer funded programs, people who don’t support their own children, unmarried couples who break up and want to waste her and the court’s time deciding which of them gets custody of the vacuum cleaner, guys who smirk, slump and/or keep their hands in their pockets in court, women who wear tight fitting tube tops to court, people who rattle their papers too much, people who bob their heads and make weird little noises too much, people who, when asked a direct question answer with “Uhm” (“Uhm is not an answer!) …. this list is not exhaustive, a lot of stuff gets on her nerves but she’s pretty fair, all in all. :-)
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Judge Dredd! Now ya talkin :¬)
I think she’s a bad example of what a judge should be. With her, it’s either her way or the highway and the possibility that she could be wrong never enters into it. She prefers to think that her own opinion is more important than justice. Personally, I can’t stand the bitch.
@Trillian Come on. Don’t take it so seriously. I do believe I have hit a nerve with both you and @noelleptc. Interesting.
I also think it is either naive or somewhat disingenuous to say she is not an actor. She is playing a character. That character is Judge Judy on her job. It is virtually certain that that is not who she is in private life. People make these mistakes all the time. They see someone on TV or they hear them on the radio, and they think they know who they are. They don’t.
And you have no idea what she does in her private life. Have you seen her at home? You don’t know if, when she pulls down the shades so no one can see in, she is or isn’t prancing around on a hobby horse.
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@ucme I knew you were gonna say that!
@wundayatta hit a nerve? come on! My reply to you was; “I’m positive that Judge Judy has never “pranced” in her life. And she is not an actor, she just plays one on tv.
I’m sorry you can’t have a little fun with this question.”
My answer to you was still just me having fun with the whole thing. You put waaaaay more worry into simple shit that doesn’t mean anything than you need to. I thought the “Plays one on tv” bit was hilarious. Again, I say that it’s a shame you can’t just have a little fun with this.
Let me go prance off and come up with a JJFP logo. (That would be Judge Judy For President!)
@ucme No dangit! It’s a line from the movie that he says several times. I figured that you’d know that.
@Trillian Oh i’m sorry to disappoint, not a fan see. Never seen the movie, well not all of it anyway. Now Demolition Man, that’s a movie I know well.
@Trillian Ok, I’m gonna come clean here. I had dinner with Judge Judy once. Before dinner we had what she calls a “pranceathon.” It’s just her way of winding down after a hard day in the hot lights of the TV studio.
You say have fun? Well, as a friend of hers, there are some things up with which I will not put. I can not stand still letting you spout scurrilous lies about a woman who has dedicated her career to the pursuit of life, liberty and the pursuit of prancing. You keep on fighting me about this, and I’m gonna hafta come and whap yo booty with a dandelion.
@wundayatta Ok, that’s it. You can just carry your ass into that theatre with @ucme and sit there and watch a torturous couple of movies. If you can prove to me beyond a reasonable doubt that there was prancing in which Judy took part, I will apologize and sing “You’re the tops” Until that happens, I submit to this court that the prosecution is calling for speculation on the part of the witness. Now get in there before the movie starts and take your punishment like a man!
(How did you like the inclusion of “legalese”?)
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@noelleptc and don’t ever put someone else on your cell phone plan because they can’t get their own phone because they have bad credit because they don’t pay their debts but of course this deadbeat’s going to pay you, right?
I love Judge Judy, but, in the end, my true cheesy-daytime-TV-small-claims-court-show heart ultimately belongs to my girl Marilyn.
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Oh, she’s a bit scary. Direct though…she might sift through a bunch of crap! I’d probably be too afraid not to vote for her. Will she wear her robe with the lace thingy? It almost lulls you into thinking she’s going to be nice.
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You know, I never noticed the rock! It’s a weapon, I tell ya! A weapon! She is pretty scary!
@noelleptc she makes her husband carry her purse, you know; I saw it on TMZ. Or may be he volunteers for purse duty . :-)
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@noelleptc LOL. Really the only way a real man can carry a woman’s purse, I think.
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