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blueberry_kid's avatar

How many times a day is it normal for someone to pee?

Asked by blueberry_kid (5960points) October 26th, 2010

This might be a strange question but I only personally go to the bathroom 4 times a day (Waking up, During school, When I get Home, Before bed). My question is, is there an average tamount of times to go to the bathroom?

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16 Answers

faye's avatar

I think we’re all different and it also depends on how much fluid you drink. I go a lot. I have never made a 2 hour drive without suffering by the end!

Lightlyseared's avatar

About 7 times.

anartist's avatar

How much do you drink? [not saying what]

Seaofclouds's avatar

It depends on how much you drink and also the size of your bladder. If you hold it a lot, your bladder will stretch, making it hold more urine before you get the urge to pee. It also depends on your overall hydration status, if you are dehydrated, you will pee less because your body will hold onto the fluid since it needs it.

Blackberry's avatar

Hmmm…I usually urinate four to seven times a day. I’m going to go pee now, too.

judochop's avatar

Lets see….8 glasses of recommended water per day should equal, 8 bathroom trips per day.

tedibear's avatar

I drink about two liters of water a day, on top of at least 20 oz. of coffee in the morning. I stopped counting how often I go! There’s always one trip around midnight, another between 2AM and 3AM, then once more at 5AM when I get up the first time, again at 7AM when I get up the second time… after that, who knows?

pearls's avatar

I have to limit my fluid intake because I am on the road daily. So on average for me, I would say about 6 times a day.

deni's avatar

I pee a lot. It seems like four times a day is really low. Some days I probably pee 12 times. Given I have a small bladder or something, because I know I go way more than almost everyone but…I also drink a lot of water.

Kardamom's avatar

I’ve noticed that my smaller friends, male or female, tend to go more often than larger people. Probably has to do partly with bladder size. Also, the amount of fluid intake will influence how often you go. Pregnant women go way more often than non-pregnant women. But 4 or 5 times per day seems pretty normal. I would worry if you are having trouble going, or if you go more or less often than you did in the past.

MacBean's avatar

I go every 2–3 hours. Even if I’m sleeping, it wakes me up. Not fun.

YARNLADY's avatar

It totally depends on so many different factors that you cannot go by consensus only. You doctor would be able to answer this question based on your medical history and health.

judochop's avatar

@MacBean it would be even less fun if it didn’t wake you up!

MacBean's avatar

@judochop I do tell myself that on occasion!

blueberry_kid's avatar

@anartist i drink alot, (no not alcohol) like i wake up, have a full bottle of water, during shool i make about 4 water fountain stops, and when i get home, lots of water.

snapdragon24's avatar

With a urine infection? Atleast three drops of pee every 3 minutes until you feel like dieing and chopping off your private. If not the case, about 5/6 times.

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