What would make a guy in a happy relationship stray?
If a guy is perfectly happy with his girlfriend, what would make him think it’s okay to take another girl out?
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40 Answers
He is not truly happy if he takes another girl out. He is lying about his happiness.
He is not perfectly happy.
Maybe he’s just doesn’t want to be monogamous. Some people prefer multiple partners, and it has nothing to do with happiness.
It also depends on what you mean by “take another girl out.”
But, in the end, I would just blame the Y chromosome.
Being selfish and self-centered.
Being happy and being content are two different scenarios. I’ve known several men who love their wives and families but still stray because they want more happiness than from just one partner.
If given the chance, most males would probably prefer to have more than one girlfriend/date/wife/partner at a time. Unfortunately, most women do not want or appreciate this and prefer to have only one partner at a time. This situation is the cause for a lot of grief within relationships.
If he is straying,he isn’t happy.
I actually like @Neizvestnaya‘s answer better than my own. GA! :)
I’ll bypass the whole happy/not happy thing, the ‘man’ thing, and just go straight to the jugular.
Happy/unhappy is not a good enough reason to stray, it IS a good enough reason to break up and then stray.
And,...last but not least, ‘happy’ is not something you find outside of yourself anyway in another piece of ass, soooo….triple the excuses with whipped cream and a cherry. Heh.
@loser – I was going to say that!
There are many reasons. He may not be truly happy. He may not be happy in a monogamous relationship. He may not even understand why he is straying. Then there is always the, “grass is always greener” theory.
There are many, many reasons that people stray. None of them are great. It happens. Question is, do you stay or go?
He’s Horny and wants New Girl. He’s shallow and doesn’t know what’s important. Doesn’t have the wisdom to know what’s going to make him happy in the long run.
Spells Shit in my book. hahaha
That sucks, kind of destroys my ideas of one day achieving monogamous love. I mean, if he’s happy then it must be man’s destiny to fuck up happy relationships.
For some people committment isn’t work, it’s their preference because they attach other stuff to it aside from sexual monogamy. For other people then monogamy is an ever conscious choice, a challenge even, they have a harder issue with attraction. Attraction and infatuations never just die away because we get partners. They can be less severe because we don’t value them as highly as the relationships we choose to treasure. There’s no magic shut off that makes you immune to ever getting your head turned again.
@truecomedian The key is the level of commitment. To not stray even if the impulse is there. Most will face temptation, it’s what you do with that temptation that matters. I am not fully convinced that humans are biologically programmed to be monogamous, but I am committed and I make a choice everyday to stay commited.
@khiaKarma When I am in a relationship that I’m happy in, I am totally committed. When/if I become disillusioned with a relationship, I will break up and then move on. Yes, it is a daily choice to be committed.
@KhiaKarma – humans are actually biologically programmed against strict monogamy.
Commitment is different from monogamy, although sexual monogamy and commitment get muddled most of the time. Commitment depends on how much people are willing to give up for each other, and do to support each other.
@iamthemob interesting…..
Because my partner and I have an agreement to each other to be sexually monogamous, respecting that agreement is showing commitment to him. Now, there are people who are able to figure out how to do open relationships, etc- that just wouldn’t work for us. Each couple has to establish their own parameters within their relationship.
@KhiaKarma – that’s the kind of monogamy I can get behind. ;-) Individually agreed to, instead of socially imposed.
I’m a fool but I believe that if I find true love, there will no longer be any temptation.
It’s not that hard to ask the person you feel “together” what monogamy and committment mean to them and then decide how much you want to invest with them. Seriously, if a man had ever told me monogamy had been a struggle for him, even if he’d successfully pulled it off for some time then I would never feel comfortable, I’d always feel it was a matter of time before he screwed me over. The partners I choose are the ones who see monogamy and committment as an honor as something that feels like it adds to their lives rather than being a sacrifice, however noble.
@truecomedian true love is a choice, I think. I truely love and am loved, but I’d be lying if I said that I had never been tempted. I respect my relationship, though and would never want to be the cause of pain for my partner. It would kill me to see him feeling betrayed. He and I both realize that the other may have crushes and such, but our choice is each other. We don’t need excess drama in our lives anyways….. I think some people put the idea of love on a pedestal and that leads to disappointment. Love is a powerful thing, but it’s not infallible.
I’ve been getting schooled all day today, it’s unsettling, but I need it. True love is a choice, huh. What about love at first sight??
Love at first sight does exist. I know for a fact.
Being perfectly happy versus being in totally in love leaves a little wiggle room between the sheets.
Wouldn’t those be the same thing, if being “perfectly” happy was even possible, dont think it is. But if it was, those two options would be pretty much the same thing. Totally is an absolute, and perfectly is also 100%. I’m confused here, sorry.
he isn’t getting sex often enough, or the kind of sex that he wants often enough. that’s why
@trailsillustrated I have to ask….why is it that Sex seems to be 80% of what a relationship is all about, especially for men?
@truecomedian Being perfectly happy and very much in love are very distinct states of being. Sure you could be both but you could also be one without the other. In the OP he is “perfectly happy” with his girlfriend but that does not mean he is in love! She could be pretty, fun to be with, makes him dinner, makes him laugh and overall he is outwardly happy! But that fireworks I’m in love with this gal…she’s the one is just not there and some hot chick comes along and sparks fly! Life is too short to not live it to it’s fullest…some have the guts to do it others sit on the sidelines and sigh.
@loser GA, Simple, direct and true.
@lostinyoureyes New a guy once who truly loved his wife, but his dad cheated and his mom was accepting of the fact. He simply saw it as a mans right.
It wasn’t so long ago that mistresses where seen as something expected in high society. Wives were for regular social niceties and having children and a stable force at home and mistresses where for tension release and quite expected.
Some men have reported cheating simply out of boredom as well. Nothing passes the time better than doing something naughty lol.
No one is ever perfectly happy in a relationship, and if so, it’s a small, rare population. There are different kinds of love. One couple may love each other because they raised kids together but may not be sexually compatible, then there’s vice versa. Some people may need each other for support whether financially or emotionally, but they’re still in it for one aspect. Love is a fairytale; it seems in reality a relationship is just about settling with the best option.
@Pandora Yes, not to mention some women, especially in the past, put up with cheating husbands because they needed the support. That is not love or marriage, that’s enslavement.
@Cruiser I like your answer the best, because it tells me what I want to hear. But on the other hand, people like @loser and @Coloma speak equally viable truths.
All these excuses make see how the “other woman” might rationalize things. Doesn’t make it right though.
No matter the reason, it’s an asshole thing to do. The action speaks louder!
Yes, it is the very definition of low integrity and there are no excuses.
I truly believe character is set at a very young age and one either has it or they don’t.
It’s not a sexual thing so much as a character thing.
Lets face it, men are visually stimulated and sex is a HUGE part of any relationship they are in… some men just want variety, others may not get enough sex period but everything else is great… they just try to fill that one void in with someone else…
I gave you a GA because you said “some people put love on a pedastal” That is interesting to me because it reflects a 1950’s doo wop love is this, love is that. Frank Zappa said it best when he (to paraphrase) said
“There are more love songs than anything else. If songs could make you do something we’d all love one another.” Frank Zappa responding to Tipper Gore’s and friends’ notion that explicit music lyrics would poison the nation’s children. I wrote a song about dental floss but did anyone’s teeth get cleaner? – Frank Zappa responding to the same notion about the correlation between music lyrics and individuals’ behavior.
Love is being on the fence you got to like wood in your ass.
So your saying there’s degrees to things, a difference between like and love, yeah I see that, that was a good point. Furthermore, I’m one of those guys on the sidelines in life, but that doesnt mean I havent any sense. No need to mince words. Thank you for the perspectives I found it enriching.
I got the worse of both worlds, I have someone that acts like we’re together when we’re not, she apologized for sleeping with some guy when we’re no even together
I think male infidelity can be compared to female hormone fluctuations.
Do many women struggle with PMS related emotional issues?
Is PMS an excuse for abuse, to act like a raging b——h and mistreat others?
Do males have strong testosterone related sexual urges?
Is this an excuse for screwing everything walking that will have them?
End of story. haha
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