It's it, it's over, you're done for, what do you do?
We are all going to have to face death one day, there is no escaping it, so what should I do to prepare for that moment? Life is uncertain, it can give you more than you can handle, car wrecks, disease, and old age, to name just a few. What would you say to me, what would you do, if I was dieing right this moment and this was my last human contact? I’m dieing, as I write this, I’m facing the big mystery, what would you say to me? Positive, negative, words of wisdom to bring me comfort, or a slick good riddance.
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18 Answers
Well, go streaking at the nearest Police station and when you die when they apprehend you, you’re relatives can sue!
You get the last laugh, everyone present is scarred for life, and your family is in the running for a bunch of dinero. Ta da!
You really think suicide by cop could be achieved that way, that’s scarey.
Get off fluther and surround yourself with the ones you love!
As much as I’d like to think that you love us here, I’d hope there were people you loved more out there.
@truecomedian just trying to help ya live up to your username. lol
good good, guess I haven’t been feeling very comedic lately, my fault. Cops scare me, I’ve had them point their guns at me before, not fun.
It’ll be all right…to the well-organized mind, death is but a next adventure ~ Dumbledore.
Where did you hide all the cash??
I’d lean over and whisper in to your ear; “Vader is not really Luke’s father”. Then I’d grab a pillow and smother you.
I’d whisper the truth. Your wife told me I’m a better lover than you.
“What would you say to me, what would you do, if I was dieing right this moment…”
We’re all dying at this very moment.
of course vader wasn’t lukes father @judochop. anakin was
Star Wars references, well I guess now I don’t have to ask the question, “where are all the nerds?”
@truecomedian oh man, I am usually the one on that line however I will push my glasses up and snort with laugher….I am not really much of a Star Wars fan at all…For some reason a father, son thing popped in to my head and the ony one I can make light of is Vader and Luke..Fuck! I am really am a nerd, huh?
Can I just chalk self-realization up on the death bed thing? It all just flashed before my eyes.
Lay down and spit up into the wind as hard as you might and see if it lands on your face before you die.
If its not a windy day than spit up.
Why? So you can say you were a freaken idiot up to the very end.
I’d whisper, “What’s your bank account password?”
Nite Nite, sleep tight, it won’t matter if the bedbugs bite.
Close my eyes and let it happen.
Well, if you see the Devil, punch him three times for me, if it’s God, kick him in the nuts, and ask: “Where is Justice13’s $20 that you owe him?”
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