General Question

judochop's avatar

I just lost a cap! Well pretty much the whole tooth! How serious is this?

Asked by judochop (16124points) October 26th, 2010

I was chewing gum and well….Off came my cap in the back of my mouth. It feels pretty much like I have a giant hole in the back of my mouth. I have already left a message for my dentist in the AM but how serious is this right now? There is no pain.

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8 Answers

faye's avatar

I would think if there’s no pain, there’s no problem. After all, it’s already dead. I had to have a tooth pulled that had been capped. The dentist said the tooth itself was mush and almost rinsed away.

FutureMemory's avatar

No need to panic. Eat and drink as you normally would. Just get it fixed as soon as possible.

skfinkel's avatar

If it isn’t hurting you, waiting for the dentist should be fine.

Kraigmo's avatar

It’s no big deal at all. You could even go a few months like that (although no dentist would ever tell you that, since it’s not a good idea).

If you cannot afford a new cap, you’ll have to do some nasty fishing tomorrow.

Otherwise, don’t even worry about it and get a new one made later this week or next week.

Aster's avatar

I had this happen once when flossing. I freaked; my tooth was on the bed! Now I have to get a bridge, very costly. He dug out the nerve; I never felt it.

wundayatta's avatar

Serious enough to find out what the dentist has to say about it. You should make your choices with information from a specialist, not from fluther folk. Unless one of us is a practicing dentist.

trailsillustrated's avatar

sounds like the tooth has been root canaled- get it fixed asap, they’ll re prep it a little bit and make a new crown.

deni's avatar

My moms fell off about a year ago and since she doesn’t have insurance she has resorted to looking like a hillbilly for the past year. We think it’s hilarious. She doesn’t mind. Apparently it hasn’t caused her any pain either, and it’s kinda in the front of her mouth so you should be good for a while if you can’t get it fixed right away.

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