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KatawaGrey's avatar

Are there any jobless folks out there in Fluther who would be interested in brainstorming about starting some kind of business?

Asked by KatawaGrey (21493points) October 28th, 2010

While answering this question last night, the idea was brought up that we jobless/stuck in dead-end job folks could somehow ban together and create some kind of fluther business together. Here, we will start a brainstorming session. I think we could start broad and get more specific by listing people’s skills and maybe what kind of business we all think we could start together.

I’ll start. In about eight months, I will have a degree in media production which means that I can operate or learn how to operate most video recording equipment and editing equipment. Unofficially, I am also a writer. I have taken a screen-writing class and I plan to write both screenplays and novels and I have also been known to write a mean poem.

Some ideas I had last night:

1. Some kind of entertainment business. I know we have a number of creative Jellies on here and we could all lend our talents into something, well, creative.

2. Really ramping up fluther and making this a much larger without losing the quality website which many more people have access too. Honestly, I was actually brainstorming television commercials about this very thing last night and came up with a few ideas.

Your turn collective. What would you contribute to a fluther business and what kind of business do you think we could all start?

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