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ucme's avatar

If you can, what would you rate as the best movie you have seen this year?

Asked by ucme (50052points) October 28th, 2010

Took the kids to see Despicable Me today, great movie lots of fun…..light….bulb!! My son said it was his favourite movie of the year, so far that is. So what would yours be, or is it too close to call between a number of movies? Let me know eh!

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22 Answers

Blackberry's avatar

Inception, although I didn’t watch a lot of movies this year.

erichw1504's avatar

I second Inception. The anti-gravity hotel hallway fight scene was worth the price of admission alone.

jonsblond's avatar

Despicable Me was a great film! Also loved Inglorious Bastards. (was that this year or last year? I rarely see movies in the theater)

jca's avatar

Winter’s Bone.

tedibear's avatar

It’s a tough call. Either “How to Train Your Dragon” or “Inception.”

ucme's avatar

@jonsblond Basterds was indeed last year. Who cares though, why for me that’s the best movie i’ve seen in quite a number of years, but then who’s counting?

janbb's avatar

Get Low or Winter’s Bone. Both had great acting and strong atmosphere.

crazyivan's avatar

Damn… I was going to say Inception but now I would feel like I’m just going along with the crowd. Ah, what the hell, you guys obviously have good taste.

Inception. (Though I’m holding judgment of best movie of the year until Black Swan comes out)

erichw1504's avatar

Surprised no one has mentioned The Social Network yet. Heard it was amazing, haven’t seen it though.

free_fallin's avatar

The Social Network

Inception is a close second.

BoBo1946's avatar

It’s an older movie, but saw it for the first time and really enjoyed it. That would be “Inside Man!” If anyone has not seen this, it’s one helleva movie! I’m going to watch it again. The ending will blow your mind.

daytonamisticrip's avatar

I haven’t seen many movies this year but Lovely Bones was great and definitely my favorite.

Blackberry's avatar

@erichw1504 I bought the soundtrack just for the song during that scene.

erichw1504's avatar

@Blackberry I also got the soundtrack! It is amazing, isn’t it? Hans Zimmer does some amazing work. I’m thinking about getting The Dark Knight soundtrack as well.

Blackberry's avatar

@erichw1504 It is great, I blast it in my car lol. I didn’t even know who Hans was until Inception came out and an article came out about the soundtrack, I may get the Dark knight soundtrack too.

OpryLeigh's avatar

How To Train Your Dragon made me very happy!

Winters's avatar

When it comes to movies I’ve seen this year, that’s a tough one, I’d rather split them into categories:

Thrillers: Inception
Horror: Into the Mirror (Korean)/Tell Me Something (Korean)
Action/Adventure: Old Boy (Korean)
Family: How to Train Your Dragon
Comedy and Musical: Rocky Horror Picture Show

Please note that not all of these movies came out this year, but this year is the first time I’ve watched these.

tranquilsea's avatar

I really enjoyed both How To Train Your Dragon and Despicable Me. I have not seen any adult movies that I would consider great.

woodcutter's avatar

the only one I’ve seen so far this year was Avatar, so it wins.

YARNLADY's avatar

Let’s see, I saw the Star Trek movie, oh wait that was last year. What about the Harry Potter movie, oh, last year. I guess it must be Eclipse, that was this year, wasn’t it?

disenchanted_poisongirl's avatar

Despicable Me. It’s a great movie, I love it. It was the best birthday prrrrresent for me. I llllllllove it

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