Social Question

Jude's avatar

Can a Canadian adopt a dog from the United States?

Asked by Jude (32210points) October 28th, 2010

There is a bassett hound rescue that I am interested in. It’s in Mich. and I am a Canuck in Ontario.

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17 Answers

Dog's avatar

I work with several rescues in the USA and with the economy (foreclosures) our rescues and shelters are full.
Contact the rescue and ask. Most are excited about finding any homes.

Sorry about the odd formatting. My phone is behaving strangely

Jude's avatar

Thanks, dawg.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@mama_cakes If that doesn’t work out let us know and we’ll figure out how to smuggle him or her across the border for you.

janbb's avatar

Maybe you need a border collie?

Jude's avatar

What I need is a penguin (with a book. On an igloo).

crisw's avatar

Ask the rescue directly. Some will adopt outside of their local area; some won’t.

janbb's avatar

@mama_cakes That you have.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I asked the customs guy about bringing my dog over to Canada and he just said proof of rabies vaccination.Things might have changed from a few years ago.I’d ask him for you,but he speaks in the voice of Popeye and it makes me want to box his ears. XD

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille I think that is still true. I saw quite a few Canadians with dogs when I was up to Lake Placid.

Jude's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille lmao.. voice of Popeye, huh? Or, ram corn on the cob holders in your ears? XD

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@mama_cakes -I should ram a can of spinach in my ears! XD
Maybe if your dog had an accent,they might not question him,eh?

nicobanks's avatar

You can transport animals across the border – as lucillelucillelucille pointed out, there are some rules. This summer there were two big rescues where animals (rabbits) were transported out of Canada into the US (one on each coast: BC and New Brunswick), so I know it’s possible.

Jude's avatar

Look at this face?

Look at her chewies (jowels). :)

Jude's avatar

I wanna call her Banana Puddin’. :)

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